Can Someone with experience can tell me, from the first day of their birth veiled chameleons what uvb bulb should be used, what distant the bulb should be ?? bulb left on all day ?? or all night ?? or for how long ?? How the terrarium has to be ?? , i need everything about the care of them since they hatch , I have no experience and I do not want to make mistakes ... I appreciate it if you help me with that.
Here’s my baby bins and lights. I use Reptisun 5.0 for UVB and 40 to 60 watt household bulb for heat. Their temps should be in the low 80’s. The lights should come on at sun rise and off at sunset. The babies need to be dark and cool at night to lights at night.

Here’s my baby bins and lights. I use Reptisun 5.0 for UVB and 40 to 60 watt household bulb for heat. Their temps should be in the low 80’s. The lights should come on at sun rise and off at sunset. The babies need to be dark and cool at night to lights at night.

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Coolest setup i have ever seen. Does the uvb reach that far or are you using a t5 instead of a t8
Can Someone with experience can tell me, from the first day of their birth veiled chameleons what uvb bulb should be used, what distant the bulb should be ?? bulb left on all day ?? or all night ?? or for how long ?? How the terrarium has to be ?? , i need everything about the care of them since they hatch , I have no experience and I do not want to make mistakes ... I appreciate it if you help me with that.
Do you have a fruitfly culture or pinheads at hand? If not get them before they hatch.
You may be right, I just assumed T8 would be a stronger bulb due to the increased diameter. I have T5 bulbs and do not have T8 for solarmeter comparison.
It was from a british aquatic turtle group somewere on youtube.
You will need fruit flies too the first month. The first month I use both. I also feed freshly hatch praying mantis.

Babies do not require allot of UVB. A strong UVB bulb can cause eye problems. That’s why I have them way over the tops of the baby bins.
ITS FINE LIKE THAT ??? What else you recommend me to do ?? I already have the uvb bulb and heat bulb !! Thanks !! (y)(y)

Here’s my baby bins and lights. I use Reptisun 5.0 for UVB and 40 to 60 watt household bulb for heat. Their temps should be in the low 80’s. The lights should come on at sun rise and off at sunset. The babies need to be dark and cool at night to lights at night.

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