New Member
Hi Guys, my little man fell on Saturday, after work i found him laying on the tiles. (free ranged) I picked him up slowly and carefully and looked to see if he was hurt, i could make out a small bruise between his forearms more towards the left behind his arm. I wasted no time in getting in my car and driving with one hand whilst holding him in the other to vet, to my horror i found that the Vet was closed. I then contacted the emergency number and asked for advice which could not be given to me. Let down and sad crying pretty much the whole way home, my wife and i then looked up all vet's in the area. Finally we found a vet that could have a look at him. We rushed there and they inspected Ego, they couldn't find any sign of any broken bones and they suspect he has a concussion, which they gave a dose of Cortisone. He tends to keep swaying to the left and always turns left. His left eye would turn slight to the left and then straight away looks forward again. When they put him on his right hand side, he immediately gets up and sways to the left hand side again. He doesn't eat, or drink. I took him to the vet today again for a checkup and they gave him another shot of cortisone, vitamin, antibiotic.. I managed to get a few drops of water in today, i did not want to force it as i'm scared that it would go into his lungs. I'm taking him back to the vet tomorrow for another checkup. (no one in my area specializes with chameleons due to the rarity of them in our country and the nearest specialist is 1200KM away.) I am running out of options and it hurts extremely to see him in that way. So im asking please friends, please pray for Ego, i really love him with all my heart and i do not want to loose him. He is my best friend, extremely friendly and he gets tons of love and only the best of the best of everything.
My best buddy:
My best buddy: