Please Send Good Vibes and Prayers to Amos

hope he lives

Me too! I love him very much.

Hoping for the best!

Than’ you!

What a nightmare. Hope he makes a good recovery xx

Thank you so much Tiff!

Prayers for your little guy, hope he is ok.

Thank you Tim.

Hopefully all goes well. Please keep updating us.

Thank you and I will.

Oh my! Sorry just seeing this!! Hope he pulls through Jann. What an ordeal the poor little guy is going through. Sending positive healing thoughts your way!

Than’ you Carol!

What a rough couple of days for the poor dear, but hoping that he comes through it with flying colors!

Thank you Michelle.

So sorry to hear about Amos, sending prayers and good vibes!!

Thank you Wyatt!
Thank you all for your continued prayers and well wished. Amos has his surgery this evening. He made it through surgery and did well in recovery walking around and sleeping now. The only problem Dr Doug had was the tail had to be amputated up so high that he prolapsed both hemipenes. They are soaking them in sugar water hoping they will go back in but he doesn’t have allot of muscle left in the tail so if they don’t go in Dr. Doug will have to amputate them. The infection spread and he’s sending the tail out to the lab to get more information on the infection. He was put on a new antibiotic today. Please continue to keep Amos in your thoughts and prayers and send allot of good vibes his way. He had been through so much and still fighting an infection.

He a tough little guy , i will keep sending positive thoughts and some prayers !
I am so glad he looks like he's feeling better! Definitely the return of the appetite even with the lack of tail and the ordeal is an AMAZING sign with our chams. Especially since you were assisting before. That shows he must be feeling a whole lot better <3 I will keep hoping he keeps heading that way and recovers well for you sweetie <3
Thank you so much everyone. Amos had another hornworm on his own this morning. We lowered his condo and put a bunch of old fluffy towels under it just incase he falls while he’s learning to balance without his tail. So far no falls. It’s going to take me awhile to get use to his new look but it doesn’t seem to bother him at all. ❤️
Did they put a bandage on his stump to help keep it clean? I was thinking about this last night - he's got a big wound, and though it's stitched close since he's in a tree wouldn't a bandage be a good thing? Just wondering.
Wow I have never seen an amputation like that! Do you know what caused the infection?? Hope he adjusts ok without his tail.
Awesome news ! Glad to see him home .

Thank you Mitch! I am so happy to have him home and feeling better.

He looks great! Definitely seems pretty active!

Thank you for always checking in and keeping up with Amos’s status. He is definitely active. I was afraid he was going to fall but so far he has not.

Glad to hear he is doing better. What a little warrior :)

Thank you! He is such a special little man.

I am so glad he looks like he's feeling better! Definitely the return of the appetite even with the lack of tail and the ordeal is an AMAZING sign with our chams. Especially since you were assisting before. That shows he must be feeling a whole lot better <3 I will keep hoping he keeps heading that way and recovers well for you sweetie <3

Thank you Amber. My heart just melted when he took that first hornworm from me. I knew he was feeling better. Getting that tail off must have really helped the infection.

Hooray for Amos! I’m sure he is SO happy to be home!
Jann, I have no doubt that you will help him adjust to his new way of life.

Thank you Deb. He seems happy wondering all around on his condo. When I hold him he wants to crawl up and set on my shoulder but I’m so afraid he might fall off. He was even trying to get on my head but I wouldn’t let him up there. With a bad right hand and no tail is going to be hard to trust him up there again.

Did they put a bandage on his stump to help keep it clean? I was thinking about this last night - he's got a big wound, and though it's stitched close since he's in a tree wouldn't a bandage be a good thing? Just wondering.

The wound was bandaged the first day and then removed. Dr. Doug did not think he needed a bandage for home and said it would heal better if it could get air. He doesn’t get stitches out for 4 to 6 weeks. Dr. Doug really did a great job with the sutures. It looks like a plastic surge did it.

Wow I have never seen an amputation like that! Do you know what caused the infection?? Hope he adjusts ok without his tail.

Amos has arthritis in his right hand that caused him to take a fall about 6 months ago. We believe the fall is what crushed two vertebraes near the top of his tail. The infection came from that. Dr. Doug sent the tail out to a lab to find out more about the infection.The tail was removed one bone above the crushed bones. If you remember Amos had some MBD before he came to me and that most likely caused the problems with his bone like the early arthritis. He seems to be getting around really well. Much better than I expected.
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