Please someone help me my chameleon is not ok


Alphys got worse and she won't move. She moved slightly a few minutes ago but that was it.


I tried force feeding her a mealworm but she won't eat. I sprayed water in her mouth and she smacked her lips a minute after and that was it. Her mouth smelled really bad.

Someone help me please I don't want to lose her.
She looks extremely dehydrated. I saw on your other post that she had been sleeping during the day - usually a sign a illness.

Aside from continuing to offer her water, I don't know that there is much you can do.
She looks extremely dehydrated. I saw on your other post that she had been sleeping during the day - usually a sign a illness.

Aside from continuing to offer her water, I don't know that there is much you can do.
I just opened her mouth and sprayed water. She started moving again, but very weakly. I just put her back on her tree and I had to help her grab onto a branch.


I would suggest getting that chameleon to a VET asap to see if there is anything they can do or to put her to sleep but to be honest that is probably the skinniest most dehydrated chameleon I have ever seen and I would be surprised if she last much longer. Maybe best not to stress her any more and let her her pass in peace and quiet

I would suggest getting that chameleon to a VET asap to see if there is anything they can do or to put her to sleep but to be honest that is probably the skinniest most dehydrated chameleon I have ever seen and I would be surprised if she last much longer. Maybe best not to stress her any more and let her her pass in peace and quiet
We don't have reptilian vets in Jeddah. And the last time I took a pet to a vet it didn't end well. I sprayed water and now she's hanging on her branch.

If she is dying of old age then ok, but I don't want to lose her knowing that it was my negligence...
You could try showing your cham, but your cham might be to weak. I would not worry about feeding him now just hydrating. Digesting food takes water.
Oh ok sorry. I kind of figured she had died with the way she was looking. How old was she? You said you thought she might have died from old age?

I would suggest getting that chameleon to a VET asap to see if there is anything they can do or to put her to sleep but to be honest that is probably the skinniest most dehydrated chameleon I have ever seen and I would be surprised if she last much longer. Maybe best not to stress her any more and let her her pass in peace and quiet
When they are dying their eyes start to sink in. It does not mean it was dehydrated. It could have been, but I am just pointing out when they are near death their eyes sink in.
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