Poor Bruce!!


New Member
Poor bruce my male Fichers is soo thin. He's been inbetween shedding for like 2 months now. He eats and drinks but he still looks soo dehydrated. You can see his bones in his tail and in his back!! the ither day thiugh het ate like 8 waxworms so i dont know whats happening. Hes getting food and hes drinking. Im just not sure it looks like hes underfed but he gets like 8-10 crix daily when he eats. Any advice would be great im going to try and get him tyo a vewt but it could be awhile im very much on the broke end of things.
If you can't take him in to the vet, maybe you could just take his fecal to be checked. IMO it sounds like it could be parasites.
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