New Member
Hi, I have a yemen chameleon just over 4 years old. He's always been in the same glass vivarium since he was born. I've replaced his usual UV bulb and heat bulb within the last 2 months. I dust his bugs with calcium dust and feed them salad/veg. He is regularly misted but he also has a small bowl he drinks from. These past couple of days he has changed, he won't eat at all, I had to force feed him some water as he wasn't drinking at all, he is very lethargic and sleeping all the time. I've always handled him since he was tiny so he likes to be held. He is looking a little skinny now. I went to work and came home this afternoon and he has a big black patch on his side, looks like some of his scales has come off too! It's not a burn as his heat bulb is fairly high up with no branches near enough for him to get close enough to burn himself, maybe one of the locusts has nibbled him? I can't get a photo as my camera is broken. I'm very concerned. I know he is old and they tend to only live until they are 5. I definitely think a trip to the vet is required but as it's late I cant take him until tomorrow. He's never had any health problems the whole time I have had him. Other than the black patch he is the same green colour, eyes keep closing like he's sleeping but no discharge or swelling. His mouth and tongue looks the same and he's movements look normal just much slower than he usually is. Any advice would be much appreciated!