Positive Reinforcement


Established Member
So I have Nosy Be's, Tamataves and beautiful Quad girls and soon to be a boy as well! Wink wink JaJeanP. lol. I was thinking it was odd that my Quads (Known for be reclusive and untrusting of humans) are the only ones eating from my hands but this weekend I got my first juicy Horn worms so I plan on using them ONLY and STRICTLY as hand feeders to get them all to trust me (That's the positive reinforcement part) more as my 4 Nosy Be's still seem to disdain human kind. We will see how it goes, but for now look at this hot babe enjoying her first hornworm!
I have not tried hornworms, yet. I just can't spend that much for a "treat"! But I do use hand feeding as a positive reinforcement for my cham. Since beginning this, he has begun to trust me much more, and will willingly come out of his cage now (He has even sat on the door a couple of times, and climbed out as soon as the door was opened.) and is quite happy to perch on my shoulder, or top of my head. I have even had him refuse to go back into his cage! This is pretty amazing for a male veiled around 1 year old, but it's true! I also think it helps that his cage is right in our living room/kitchen doorway. He sees us walking through constantly, and that includes our daughter (3 1/2) and our dog, too. So he's quite used to seeing us and our movement. He doesn't act as though he is stressed at all, and is quite active. And he has been happy to come out for a while, every day this week. (insert criticism here...I know it's coming!) But, I think there is something to be said for the trust of these lizards. I feel as though if I were to put him into a quiet/low traffic room, he would be much less trusting of us, and completely unwilling to interact. Maybe this is just the individuality of the animal, and maybe not, but I don't think I would change a thing for him. He is happy, and we are happy. And he feels secure enough to trust us enough that we won't hurt him, and that we are not a threat.
He doesn't act as though he is stressed at all, and is quite active. And he has been happy to come out for a while, every day this week. (insert criticism here...I know it's coming!) But, I think there is something to be said for the trust of these lizards.
There is a big difference between letting them come out and climb on you and pulling them out and draping them over you. Kudos.
That's just what I've been doing with my veiled:)- I don't need or want to pick him up by going and getting him only if he wants to come to me- so I fed from fingers- then from fingers with hand in his path- then far enough away he had to walk onto my hand now it's easy- he feeds on freerange so not hungry but still very happy to eat fed by hand- he only walks onto my hand if he wants- if he doesn't thats totally fine-gets fed either way-no pressure but the conditioning seems to be working as now he walks onto my hand without the promise of food- he only stays on my hand for as long as he wants as handling sessions are only ever right in front of viv, I keep my hand by his branches so he can pop back whenever he wants,he 100% decides on interaction with me and he seems very confident. He's young and has a large well planted viv with a lot of climbing areas and levels throughout the viv,
so good luck! and she is an extremely beautiful animal you have there and brilliant photos, Congrats.
I wish I could get lovely big juicy hornworms like that:(- I'm in the U.K
There is a big difference between letting them come out and climb on you and pulling them out and draping them over you. Kudos.
True. Its kinda sad for me at the moment lo.. Cuz I've had Jackson's that seemed to genuinely almost like being on me and the Panthers are scared of me, ODD that the QUADS seem to trust me MORE than my panthers lol. They have never disked, or even ran from me when i handled them while the Nosy Be girls I have will jump to the floor trying to get away. I lucky im so fast I have could them before hitting the ground like 2 or the 3 times this has happened :( though no damage happened cuz I have a lil carpet in the area but ya, these Panthers are not likin Humans yet. It's my mission to get them to lol.
Are Locus's Illegal here in the US?
They aren't, but just not as populous since we started using so much pesticide. Also the rocky mountain locust became extinct some time ago. the only reason you see them in Europe is because they don't have crickets.
Today I got my young Tamatave Male that TOTALLY doesn't trust me to eat off my finger! Progress! Can't say the same for ANY of the Nosy Be's yet tho :(
Progress! But NOT so much with the horn worms surprisingly, but I do this they helped pave the way! My Tamatave boy (About 6 months old now) would NOT let me feed him and would try biting me sometimes. Time and time again I would demonstrate I do not fear the bites and would hold bugs in front of him or near him. The Horn worms did not get a tone of success but I also tried these little Calciworms (Which are overpriced btw) and got A LOT of success. Here is a cool video for you to see!

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