Possessed Receptive Vieled

BKO Overdrive

Established Member
So I have been having my girl for about 8 months. I know its not a long time but i kinda know her inns and outs. She was never over the top friendly, she knows me and my GF really well as we feed her and take care of her. Well.....she is receptive and shes very pretty, roaming all around her cage up and down up and down. I know that when this happens shes getting close to laying eggs. Shes a pretty bright green with yellow and blue dots. I have looked up many times that a loss in appetite will occur and im just now starting to see this. She used to destroy 10 large crickets and/or 6 horn worms and now she will eat around 3 horn worms and just stare at the rest. But the main reason im posting this is her demonic attitude towards me. I used to clean the poo off her leaves, or on the floor, or when i would put food in her cage in her feeding cup she would come right up and would just wait for me to finish then she would eat, she would never get mad or stressed, it was almost kind of cool how she would walk right up to her cup, and wait till when i was done i would close the cage and id watch her eat. Now.....as soon as i crack the door open to her cage she will puff and and get huge and sway back and forth as when they usually do when they feel threatened and are trying to defend themselves by looking big and scary, like if i have violated her in some way. Even putting food in her feeding cup she will get pissed, for the first time ever she gapped at me and lunged at me to bite me when i was grabbing a hornworm that i put on her branch to maybe have more appeal. She has gone to i guess normal acting patient cham to now every time i walk by or come close she acts as if I have insulted her. She also will no longer eat in front of me.....i have to walk out of the room and use the camera I installed to make sure she eats. The cage is in the living room and the last two days i have been reading and watching TV in the living room which i usually dont do, Ive noticed she will go about her romping of up and down at least 20+ times a day but as soon as i look at her she freezes. Its been one week since she has been receptive. Not sure how long this will last, ive changed nothing that i usually do from my routine with her, shes really healthy no medical issues as she has gone to the vet. Im wondering....is this shift in attitude because she is receptive...is she mad because im not giving her a male to mate with? Shes pretty mean lol. Oh and yes i have a laying bin. Has anyone ever had this behavior change during your females receptive phase?
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