Possible burn on my panther :(


New Member
I noticed this strange spot on the side of my 1 yr old Male Panther this week, never seen it before and doesn't look good. I did some research and it looks like it may be a burn or bruise... I've been using a 60w day bulb and a 60w red night bulb with ceramic domes. He never sleeps near the light and doesn't bask for very long during the day. So i'm confused as to why it happened all of a sudden :( And it seems to be in a very weird spot for a burn. He is a very healthy cham and i am a very concerned parent! Please help. Pic attached below. Thanks


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I noticed this strange spot on the side of my 1 yr old Male Panther this week, never seen it before and doesn't look good. I did some research and it looks like it may be a burn or bruise... I've been using a 60w day bulb and a 60w red night bulb with ceramic domes. He never sleeps near the light and doesn't bask for very long during the day. So i'm confused as to why it happened all of a sudden :( And it seems to be in a very weird spot for a burn. He is a very healthy cham and i am a very concerned parent! Please help. Pic attached below. Thanks

Why are you having a light on at night? That is not a good thing they need total darkness to sleep right. And i am not sure about the spot can you post a better pic. It kind looks like a burn.
Hi, um to me it looks like a burn, but it could very well be a bruise as I have no experience with either. If I were you I would just watch it for a few days, it should clear right up:). Also most of us here don't use night lights and do you have a UVB light on the cage?
You have to check the temp at the branches highest point. Looks like a small burn and will heal in time if infection doesn't set in. Do not treat the burn with anything it will heal on its own. you have to find out how he got the burn in the first place. One heat souce is more than enough and max basking temp should be around 90 or high 80's. No need for heat source at night unless temps drop below 65. Sometimes they climb the screen and can get to close to the bulb that way check that also.
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I was using a night time light because it does get cold at night and don't want the temp to go under 60. But it is getting warmer so i will definitely stop using it. I'm pretty sure the day time bulb is uvb, i'll try keeping the light further away from his cage. How do i keep it from getting infected?

How close is the bulb to the screen? He may have climbed up and burnt himself that way. I've seen a year old panther climb to the top before, not mine but on a few vids, guess it depends how sturdy your cage is. You can always either raise the bulb or get a dimmer.
My chameleons in spring and fall see temps down to 50* as a night time low temp. As long as you are able to provide proper daytime temps i would not worry about a 60* night time low one bit. ;)

The spot. Its hard to judge that it is a burn from the picture. Personally i wouldnt completely rule out a burn but that is in a very strange spot to be a burn. Ive seen strange spots like this pop up for an unknown reason that i can only speculate at. To rule out the possibility of a burn. Put your probe or gauge "directly" under the highest spot he reach under that bulb. Are you using a spot bulb? If so, when i say directly you need to be pretty precise on being directly under it to correctly measure temps. A second test to do if you dont trust your therm gauge. Rest your hand at the height he would perch under the light. If it is to hot for you, then it is probably to hot for him. :)

May or may not pertain: Keep an eye out for a spot to show up directly on the opposite side of the body. Let me know if it does. If it does i would like to know what your sups are being used, frequency, feeders and gut load.

Edit: a few other things are jumping out at me with no mentioning of. Please fill this out. https://www.chameleonforums.com/how-ask-help-66/
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I noticed this strange spot on the side of my 1 yr old Male Panther this week, never seen it before and doesn't look good. I did some research and it looks like it may be a burn or bruise... I've been using a 60w day bulb and a 60w red night bulb with ceramic domes. He never sleeps near the light and doesn't bask for very long during the day. So i'm confused as to why it happened all of a sudden :( And it seems to be in a very weird spot for a burn. He is a very healthy cham and i am a very concerned parent! Please help. Pic attached below. Thanks

If you do need to use a basking bulb at night, I wouldn't use a red bulb. Get one of those ceramic heat emitters. It will keep it warm, but not let off any light. I'm pretty sure that's what they are called. I don't use them so I'm not 100% but I've read of people that need to use them. Chameleons can see red and blue. You might as well have a white day bulb on in that case. If you're temp doesn't drop below 60 degrees at night you will be fine. Any lower than that.. I would recommend a heat source that doesn't emit any light. Too bad they don't make Chameleon blankets. :rolleyes:
I'll fill that sheet out later, I'm at work at the moment. What do you think it could be if it shows up on the opposite side?
I'm iffy on this being a burn. His white scales haven't been discolored at all, which is odd. I would expect all the affected area to be slightly blackened. Unless he sleeps on his side, this is also a really weird place to get a burn. One would expect a burn on the tops of the knees, and on the top of the head and along the spine.
I was using a night time light because it does get cold at night and don't want the temp to go under 60. But it is getting warmer so i will definitely stop using it. I'm pretty sure the day time bulb is uvb, i'll try keeping the light further away from his cage. How do i keep it from getting infected?


I second the suggestion of a Ceramic Heat Emitter if your night temperatures are 50F or lower.

CHE's put out heat but NO light so they are perfect for nighttime use without disturbing them :)

As for the spot, are the scales harder on the discoloration then around it?
I'll look into getting one of those heaters thanks.

I'm still at work so I'm not sure if the scales are harder... What could that mean if they were?
No the dark spot isn't hard. It looks like its healing, not as dark as before. Almost a bluish color now
Sry but dont use a night light they need total darkness, it looks like a burn I'm sure he will be fine. I have a veiled. Just keep an eye on it :)
Can anyone help? I see he has the same coloration on his tail and his other side as well (but much smaller). Really worried. Thanks
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Ambilobe/ambanja/nosy be mix. 1yr old male. Had him for 6 months
Handling - Couple times a week
Feeding - Crickets/mealworms/super worms. Gut-load them veggies. Feed him 2-3 times a day.
Supplements - Reptocal powder (calcium/d3) couple times a month.
Watering - Have a mister set every 20 mins for 10 seconds. Mostly hand feed him water with a water bottle 2-3 times a day.
Fecal Description - Very consistent and healthy

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen, 4'x2'x2'
Lighting - 60w bulb (just replaced with a 5.0 uvb bulb)
Temperature - 70F-85F
Humidity - Use a mister, sprays every twenty mins for about 10 seconds
Plants - Umbrella plant (i have noticed little millipedes? and little flies coming from the soil), Ficus
Placement - Living room, about 5' high
Location - Massachusetts, USA

Current Problem - Weird spots on tail and sides, look bluish/black. Otherwise he is fine not acting any different and is eating and drinking fine.

Hope this helps, has anyone seen this before?
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