Possible burn???


Hi everyone, we put in a new heat bulb and got a little worried when we saw a couple of Orange spots on his crest and a little further up his snout. We thought this might be a slight burn. Unfortunately we just updated Yoshi to a brand new mistking system, and i think he may have went closer to the bulb to get to where the sprayer is.
We will certainly move the proximity of the sprayer from the bulb.

What we would like to know if this looks like a burn. And how we can treat.
Yoshi seems in no discomfort.

Please let us know what you think.
This doesn't look like a burn to me. Burns don't tend to discolor individual scales only. If it is, its very mild. Keep an eye on the spots, and if they change to a lighter grey, show swelling or redness around the margins, or get larger I'd seek out a herp vet. The spots could be signs of a bacterial, fungal, or viral problem. Just hard to tell. Did the basking temp increase under the new bulb? How do you measure it?
Thanks. We will keep a close watch on coloration. We monitor basking area with a analog thermometer, temp stayed largely the same. Temp is also monitored via 1 digital and 1 addtional analog in other parts of the cage.

Though, Yosh was excited about sprayer and went quite close to it, witch was closer to the light for him than usual.

Other than the mist king, there have been no changes to the husbandry.

Thanks again
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