Possible Hemipenis Problem???


New Member
Camo is a 2 year old veiled. He's had this out for a couple of days, and has us worried. We've misted it and tried "helping" it back in with a Q-tip, but no luck.
He did have a few large super worms, so we're wondering if he's a little impacted.
What should we do? See pictures...
Worried Parents :(


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Welcome to the forums!

It looks like your guy has indeed prolapsed a hemipene. A prolapse is a medical emergency and needs to be addressed asap. If the tissue dies or dries out it is very susceptible to infection that can then spread to the rest of the body. If it is a hemipene (male reproductive organ), which this one looks like it is, then it can be amputated if it won't stay in since they only use it for reproduction, not urination or defecation.

Keep it clean with warm water and moist with ky jelly to keep the tissue alive and get your chameleon to a vet with reptile experience soon.
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