I had a piece of driftwood on a scale to put my chameleon on to weigh it and I it walked to the edge of the wood while I wrote down that it was 61g and the wood became unbalanced and it fell about 3 feet down. I am not sure if any of the wood got the chameleon. This happened 4 days ago and I am setting up a check up but the reptile specialist are only here once a week and I missed him 2 days ago. The chameleon looks fine, eats fine (even got a nibble of my finger the other day during handfeeding), and has white urates. She has been staying out of the basking spot lately and today I found her on the bottom of the cage on flat surface and she is showing some darker colors. She climbed right up my arm after the fall but she has been acting weird and really slow lately and she was hanging upside down on a branch the other day and seemed like she didn't mind. Do you guys she any obvious signs that I don't that say something is wrong?? Thank you for replies.