Possible Parasites?

I have had my Jackson's Chameleon for around 5 months and everything has been great. Until about a month and a half ago. He stopped really eating and will now rarely eat anything. It is not because of shedding because his whole not eating thing happened before the last shed and has not stopped. It is also not a hunger strike. I have offered meal worms, super worms, crickets, and blue hornworms and he still won't eat. Does anyone know what is going on? I am getting worried because I can tell that he is losing weight.
Also, if it is parasites, where do I take him? I have no idea where the closest reptile specialist is.
Please help.
Where are you located? we could possible help you find a vet. If your chameleon is losing weight you need to take it to the vet and see if you can get a fecal done to test for parasites.Could you post a picture?
I live in Northeastern Oklahoma, USA. I cannot post pics. Phone is down.
But he is also not defecating so how can I bring a fecal to the vet?
This is really starting to freak me out
Sometimes if I just put a tiny bit of ReptaBoost on their lips they will open to lick it. They usually like the way that it taste. If he want open you might have to pull down on his chin to get him to open. Hopefully once he taste it he will like it. I recommend giving him some 3 times a day for the first 3 to 4 days.
To get him to open his mouth try dripping water slowly in the end of his nose. When he starts to drink his mouth eill open and shut...take advantage of it and sneak it in..
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