New Member
Your Chameleon - Panther Chameleon, Male, approx. 10 weeks old. I've had him for about a month.
Handling - Not often, 2 times a week
Feeding - Crickets mainly he eats 2-3 per day, he's only had 2 wax worms as a treat. The crickets have cricket drink plus calcium, I'm feeding them a gutload I made, I blended apples, oranges, kale, collard, carrots, grapes together and freeze them into squares.
Supplements - I dust with calcium without D3(repti-calcium) everyday, 2x per month with D3 and 2x per month multivitamin (Reptitive)
Watering - I mist the cage 2 -3 time daily, reduced it to 2 times per day as I didn't want the cage to be too damp. I make sure there is no still water at the bottom of the cage. I have a repti-fogger which I use on occassion and have placed a dripper in just recently. I see him drinking regularly.
Fecal Description - Always good looking, nice and white.
History - None
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 16x16x20 Reptibreeze
Lighting - 1 60W house hold bulb, 1 5.0 UVB coil bulb both with domes
Temperature - 83-86 in his basking spot, I raised the bulb as I was told young panther chams do not need a basking spot over 80
Humidity -humidity is usually around 50%, spikes when I spray
Plants - 2xCroton ( On the safe list) As well as some fake vegitation
Placement -The top of the cage is approx 5'3" from the ground, the cage is located in my room, moderate amount of traffic. HIs cage was by the window, I thought it was creating too much of a difference in temp from the basking spot to the ambient so I have moved it away. (We have quite cold winters)
Location - Ontario, Canada
Current Problem -About two weeks ago I posted on the forum about a "puff" noise my little guy was making, he would only do it when I entered the cage. I was told that it may just be territorial. He has always ate consistently, drank a lot and has always been active. I listened to him breathing today and heard nothing, which is a good thing I've been told. Also, today I noticed him with his mouth open while basking, he was an eerie white colour that I had never seen before. He stayed this colour for most of the day, mostly when he was basking. In addition to that, I noticed that he had his mouth open later tonight when he wasn't basking, he took a couple deep breaths in. I was nowhere near the cage at this time. If anyone has any advice please let me know, If I need to see a vet I will, I just want to identify what I'm doing wrong if there is something. Thank you!
Handling - Not often, 2 times a week
Feeding - Crickets mainly he eats 2-3 per day, he's only had 2 wax worms as a treat. The crickets have cricket drink plus calcium, I'm feeding them a gutload I made, I blended apples, oranges, kale, collard, carrots, grapes together and freeze them into squares.
Supplements - I dust with calcium without D3(repti-calcium) everyday, 2x per month with D3 and 2x per month multivitamin (Reptitive)
Watering - I mist the cage 2 -3 time daily, reduced it to 2 times per day as I didn't want the cage to be too damp. I make sure there is no still water at the bottom of the cage. I have a repti-fogger which I use on occassion and have placed a dripper in just recently. I see him drinking regularly.
Fecal Description - Always good looking, nice and white.
History - None
Cage Info:
Cage Type - 16x16x20 Reptibreeze
Lighting - 1 60W house hold bulb, 1 5.0 UVB coil bulb both with domes
Temperature - 83-86 in his basking spot, I raised the bulb as I was told young panther chams do not need a basking spot over 80
Humidity -humidity is usually around 50%, spikes when I spray
Plants - 2xCroton ( On the safe list) As well as some fake vegitation
Placement -The top of the cage is approx 5'3" from the ground, the cage is located in my room, moderate amount of traffic. HIs cage was by the window, I thought it was creating too much of a difference in temp from the basking spot to the ambient so I have moved it away. (We have quite cold winters)
Location - Ontario, Canada
Current Problem -About two weeks ago I posted on the forum about a "puff" noise my little guy was making, he would only do it when I entered the cage. I was told that it may just be territorial. He has always ate consistently, drank a lot and has always been active. I listened to him breathing today and heard nothing, which is a good thing I've been told. Also, today I noticed him with his mouth open while basking, he was an eerie white colour that I had never seen before. He stayed this colour for most of the day, mostly when he was basking. In addition to that, I noticed that he had his mouth open later tonight when he wasn't basking, he took a couple deep breaths in. I was nowhere near the cage at this time. If anyone has any advice please let me know, If I need to see a vet I will, I just want to identify what I'm doing wrong if there is something. Thank you!