possible ruptured uterus in female Jax - what are her chances ?

little leaf

Avid Member
well, this is one of my worst fears :( I think Sneaks has a ruptured uterus - she dropped 2 slugs 4 days ago, but still ate, drank - did not act off at all - but I thought it was odd only 2 ? she has an apt @ 3 to see the vet - but here is my issue - my reg/ vet is not in, and to be honest - please do not misunderstand - but the vet who is going to see her - is NOT a cham vet - I dont know if she can even spay her - like lacks the know how - should I just have her put down - I hate to do that - I know she can not wait until my reg/ vet comes back ( Thursday ) - but I feel like either she wont even try , because she does not know how - and if she tries, it is going to go bad, and I will have ANOTHER huge!!!! vet bill ( I do not mind the $ - its part of chams , but I feel like it will be totally wasted $ ) - and Sneaks will not make it anyway - she just started to act "off " yesterday - but already has a big discolored spot on her flank - and her lower abdomen is turning a dark blue/black - and she wont let her belly touch the vine - so I know she is in a lot of pain :( my other choice is to take her to the ACS vet and just have her put down now - and not make her wait until 3 - I just feel doomed even before the vet apt has even started - this vet told me to take my sick Graceful home, and put her under a 99 degree bulb :mad: and even the desk said chams are not her thing - what do I do :( :( I am not tiring to "bad mouth" this vet - she is GREAT on every other animal, just not reptiles , and due to the bad advice I got on my Graceful, I just dont know if I can trust anything she tells me - and if its already to late for Sneaks, I dont want her to sit in pain all day for nothing - pleas if any of the vets on here see this- please let me know what you think her chances are - thanks


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Cheryl you are right, she looks awful. I would not take her to a vet who knows nothing about reptiles and cares less. I would either see if your regular vet will try to do surgery, or I would have her put down. It is easy for me to sit here in Montana, and tell you, what to do. I trust your judgement. You will do the right thing. Hang in there and call me again when you have decided. I support anything you decide.
I'm am so sorry to hear about Sneaks. :( I think she need a good reptile vet. Is there no other vet anywhere close to you? Wishing the best for your girl.

nope :( :mad: this is a hard surgery even for vet who know what they are doing - let alone one who I don't think does- but my gut tells me - if she does not have her uterus removed - infection is going to kill her - if we try, and she does not know how to do it - she is going to die also - and to top it all off , Elliott is also having issues :( I just don't know what to do - if it were any other animal - I would not worry - but I think the infection may already be to far along - I want to give Snaeks a chance, she is only 2.5 yrs old - but not if it is just going to be more like a slow death than helping her - I am so upset at the whole situation - if I had a vet who knew chams well, I would feel so much better about things - and I also keep telling myself, maybe she learned more - and is better at chams - ( tiring to find positive in this mess :eek: ) but I know she needs spayed - ugh ! I just do not know what to do, or even what vet to take her to - one to get looked at, and give her a chance, or the other to have her put down, and out of pain, but give her no chance :(
Maybe an antibiotic would slow the infections down. How do you know it's a ruptured uterus?

This is Asia's vet. He sees allot of chameleons.

Ohio Vet
Asia Kuffman from Chameleon Rescue was kind enought to share her chameleon vet in Milford, Ohio

Dr. Dahlhausen in Milford Ohio... 513-576-1990
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Maybe an antibiotic would slow the infections down. How do you know it's a ruptured uterus?

This is Asia's vet. He sees allot of chameleons.

Ohio Vet
Asia Kuffman from Chameleon Rescue was kind enought to share her chameleon vet in Milford, Ohio

Dr. Dahlhausen in Milford Ohio... 513-576-1990

well, like I said - I don't know for sure if it is, but she had 2 slugs 4 days ago- then nothing at all - I did call that vet - he is 4 hrs away - but they gave me a few other places to try who do treat chams - but one of the places was the vet I already have the apt / with :( - I have another vet who is going to talk to the acs vet - so I am bumping up her apt - I can not let her go like this until 3 - its not fair to her :( and can not get in any sooner than 3 ( then because is an "emergency" - they can not tell me for sure how long I will have to wait- she will be seen between apts/ - I know that is going to be a long wait - ) but acs & Dr.Bob ( the vet you gave me ) are going to conference call - and I am sending pic to them also - I will keep you posted, but have to leave to take her - THANKS JANN and LAURIE for being there for me - my nerves are shot :(
I am so sorry to hear about your chams troubles. I know you will make the right decisions for your animals, even if they are the hardest ones to make. Hoping for the best for you and the chams.
I wish you all the luck in world for your beautiful Sneaks. I hope everything goes smoothly and you find a way to make it work so she gets spayed. <3 Sending love to her and good wishes your way.

:( well, thats what it was - as you can see - the lower part of the uterus was so infected - clear to the vent - she passed away about an hour after surgery - it was just to much for her :( you can see an egg starting out of another hole - I do not know what caused this - she only had 18 eggs - so it was not overburden - RIP little Sneaks


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I am really sorry. But you held it together much better than I would have. You wouldn't have needed to ask me, I would have been crying on the phone. But I know you are crying in your heart. We will hang in together and get through this to.
I'm so sorry, I know everyone on the forums feels for you. At least you know now that what you suspected was correct, and that Sneaks didn't have to endure days of suffering. You did all you could for her, poor baby.
What a strange thing to happen though, isn't it?
Oh Cheryl I'm so sorry. So much loss for you lately. Poor sneaks, at least you know what was wrong even though you don't know why it happened.
I'm so sorry, I know everyone on the forums feels for you. At least you know now that what you suspected was correct, and that Sneaks didn't have to endure days of suffering. You did all you could for her, poor baby.
What a strange thing to happen though, isn't it?

yes, I have NEVER heard of a Jax rupturing her uterus - so at first I thought ( really hoped ) the spot was a burn ? but I am sooooooo careful about my lights - so I kept telling myself NO - its not what you think - they don't get those - but when she started to act "shy" - I knew something was wrong , even before the spot showed up, or she did not want her silkworm , and 2 slugs, just 2 made my heart sink , because I knew that was not good either - and I was so careful on her feeding - after the lesson Olive taught me about to much heat,and food ( the heat was Mother Nature, she lived outside in the summer- but I did way over feed her thinking I was doing her a favor , until a member set me right on how much I was overfeeding her ,because not only was she getting "extras" from me, Olive learned how to stick her face on the larger holes, and shoot bugs off the fence - she was such a stinker ! ) so I really tried to be careful on her food- but this was not because of to many eggs like Olives - I dont know why it happened - and that is another thing that makes caring for the rescue chams so hard, there is almost never any history with them :( in this pic - sorry for the graphicness - but the eggs were stacked SIDE BY SIDE - and hard as a rock - I have never seen them like this - they were so smushed together we had to pry them apart to count them - as you can see in this pic- look how huge and fat the uterus is laying next to Dr.Hirts fingers - it was just so big - and Sneaks insides looked so "angry" - I knew it was going to be a real battle if she made it thew the surgery - I am so sad she did not make it- but also glad I did not have to make that hard decision - Sneaks made it - and bless Dr. Hirt- she stayed right with me the whole time , even once we knew she was gone- she still stood beside me and let me have my time I needed , and she understands about loving a " lizard" - some ppl will just never understand how we all can love our chams so much - I feel sorry for those ppl ~
Thanks you guys for all the support , I have not had a good last few mos/ with my chams - even thought about getting out all together after losing so many at one time - still feeling guilty, even tho it was all out of my control - but then Laurie said she would come down from Montana and beat me up if I got rid of all my chams - :p so I will continue to take in the unwanted and hurt - and just be thankful I have all of you guys for support - Thanks again guys


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Oh no :( That is so sad. Poor Sneaks. I know what you mean about taking them to the vets. I hate taking mine even though he is a reptile vet, but it seems once I have to take them they never get better. :( Sleep tight beautiful girl. Jacksons are so sweet.
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