Possible Sicknesses?


New Member
Hi i just bought a Panther Chameleon and i was wondering what are the possible sicknesses, diseases stuff like that, for both him and towards humans. he doesn't seem to be having any problems, but he does this chuffing noise, sorta like a sneeze but i don't think it is, input would be greatly appreciated
Hi i just bought a Panther Chameleon and i was wondering what are the possible sicknesses, diseases stuff like that, for both him and towards humans. he doesn't seem to be having any problems, but he does this chuffing noise, sorta like a sneeze but i don't think it is, input would be greatly appreciated

This is not an answer to your original question, however my cham makes the chuffing/sneeze that you describe. She does it when she wants to tell me that I've been in her presence long enough and would like me to leave :p
The little chuff/sneeze is my cham yelling at me. Sometimes I feel like he's a grumpy old man. "Hey! Kid! Stop spraying my lawn! You little whipper-snapper! just wait until I'm big enough to eat your hat....", etc. He always does it right before he gapes at me.... he's never hissed at me tho. :love:
The little chuff/sneeze is my cham yelling at me. Sometimes I feel like he's a grumpy old man. "Hey! Kid! Stop spraying my lawn! You little whipper-snapper! just wait until I'm big enough to eat your hat....", etc. He always does it right before he gapes at me.... he's never hissed at me tho. :love:
The other day My 5 month old male cham try to hop on my 11 month old female cham in the alphakenc photo session and he told her that he has a present for her after they finish the date....
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yeah, my panther does it too. i named him piff cause he does it so much. hes perfectly healthy too, he just shows me hes annoyed with me in that way. hes never gaped or showed any aggression since i've had him, so i guess that's his way of telling me to quit bothering him.
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