Possibly Gravid Female


Hi guys!

I am a new owner of a female veiled, and I'm guestimating her to be about 5-6 months. I'm going out today to get her supplies for a laying bin to get that all set up, because she is starting to become thick in the belly area and is definitely a bit thicker when viewed from the top. My question is how long does it usually take before they lay the eggs? I know to give her complete privacy when the time comes, I'm just seeing conflicting info online about how long she will be gravid. Any adivce or info is greatly appreciated!


  • IMG_2672.JPG
    298.5 KB · Views: 69
I could be wrong but she doesn't look gravid to me, but the laying bin is a must around the 6 month mark. As far as how long it takes im not sure on that part. Im also waiting on my female to do something cause shes fat
I would tend to agree that she doesn't look gravid to me from that picture. It is, as stated a good idea to be ready for it though!
Thanks guys! I was kind of thinking she may just be growing and getting a bit chubby (she was too thin when I got her) but I'm paranoid since she is my first cham and everything is so new!
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