Possibly sick Veiled Chameleon

How is your lighting schedule? She needs 12 hours of light, 12 of dark. If she is in a room where you are turning on lights, cover the cage with a sheet. If the lights are on right now and she is "sleeping" not good, but if you have her on a later schedule to keep with when you sleep (lights are still off) the that is OK.
Ok i will start using a sheet, because I was up late last night witg lights on, and of course at around 11 she got up and started climbing and drinking and eating, thank you, I'm doing the 12 hours of light 12 hours of day schedule. Trying to at least
I just got home from work and my sister said she was moving around all day but is now on a vine with her tail curled and both eyes closed, should i be worried? I have work again tomorrow and I don't know if i shoukd wait another day, am i over reacting?
Hey I had a similar problem with my cham, he would shut one eye a lot and then after a while he began to shut both of them.

I posted on the forums asking for help and read that it may be a vitamin deficiency, so I upped his vitamin doses which seemed to help for a couple days but the problem came back and I decided enough was enough and I didn't want a blind cham. But what really saved me was going to the vet.

The vet told me that the vitamins were helping, but it was likely an eye infection. She prescribed my little fella some antibiotic eye drops which I applied for a couple days and the problem cleared right up!

Honestly, I wouldn't worry unless this persists for over a week, then you should take her to the vet. If the eye becomes permanently damaged she won't be able to eat properly and it will just cause trouble down the road..
Ok cool, that was my plan, I've had my cham for 5 days and it just started like the 2nd ir 3rd day, I'm gonna have her checked out this weekend, i saw her and and drink today, the only issule that worries me is when i touched her she didn't do much, just kind of twitched. Idk just hope she'll be ok.
I just brought her to petco where i bought her and they are bringing her to a vet and paying for the visit. They said they will let me know when she is all set, thanks fir the advice everyone. I am now relaxed knowing she's most likely going to be ok.
I would make sure she is seen my a reptile vet, and possibly one that specializes in chameleons. A lot of vets do not have much experience with these animals and make incorrect diagnoses. I know from personal experience that the majority of the petsmart and petco vets do not have experience with these animals. I have also heard a lot of negative feedback from the forums. So just be aware and maybe get a second opinion.
Ok i think I'm going to because i just got a call saying he has a clean bill of health and I don't think that's right, I'm going to ask about who looked at her. Thank you
So i just got her back and they said she is fine, and when she was back she was climbing around and eyes open, i brougt her back find her in the travel thing with both eyes closed, i get her in the enclosure and she opened one eye and climbed to a branch and rested with her tail curled with both eyes closed. Could this be stress? Or should i try another vet?
Ok that was my plan, I was going to monitor her for a week and see, then take her to the reptile/chameleons specialist i found, I'm hoping its not major. When she is out she seems fine, both eyes open, climbing around but every once in a while she'll do the both eyes closed and sit around.
Mine sleeps. At. Night. We're both. Of his eyes are. Closed
God forbid. Don't. Tuch them. When there sleeping No. Good. Haha.
Thay get. Mad. As heck
So she was moving around with both eyes open yesterday, but today seems to move but eyes are closed a lot, any idea's or thoughts?
You need reptivite with. D3. Kale. Collard greens Give. Your chamelon a slection of food. Not. Just one type Give. Your. Chamelon many things to choices from You should also. Mist. Over his head
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I looked at the picture he don't look sick.
Just. Give. Him. A. Weak. Alone if he don't seem to get better bring him back
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