Post-shed color changing


New Member
Yesterday was my Panther Chameleons first shed with me (here for 3 weeks). Since then his colors have been all over the place and I'm having a hard time gauging if he's just displaying more mature color or if something is upsetting him. He's also changing color drastically.
The first few pictures and the last pictures are only taken about 20 minutes apart (once I finally found him!). I've never even seen him in the orchid which is about half way down his enclosure, he's always hung out high up in his enclosure but all of a sudden he's moved here, changed color and won't budge. Is he just getting more comfortable with his surroundings and feeling like he can explore? Yesterday was the first time I saw him on the side of his enclosure like in the pictures I took today- he has plenty of vines to cruise over but just seemed to be taking that route to explore a plant. This is going into his second week in this enclosure.
We recently set up a mistking and have been having issues so I've had to be in with him more than usual (though I'm not touching him, just his plants).
Any input on these colors/changing/roaming would be great. I'm a very concerned "new mother" and just want my sweet little guy to have the happiest and longest life possible. Thank you for your advice! 20161228_143918.jpg 20161228_143931.jpg 20161228_144502.jpg 20161228_145642.jpg 20161228_163441.jpg 20161228_163451.jpg 20161228_172635.jpg
I know they say that chameleons don't change color depending on their surroundings, but to me it looks like this guy is trying to hide and blend in, which is a survival instinct. If you have been in and out of his cage a lot, he may just be feeling vulnerable. Just my 2¢!
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