post shed colors


New Member
Here is my 5.5 month old sambava after his latest shed. Its crazy the colors that come in after a shed. I got some decent pics but could be better.


about to snipe a cricket.

It can take more than a year from hatch to see the fully developped colours to appear. Also, even years after you may experience situations where the chameleon might reveal changing colourations that you have never seen before.

Panthers of the Sambava Locality and the other East Coast locales, are often said to "colour up" later in their growth than Western locales.
It can take more than a year from hatch to see the fully developped colours to appear. Also, even years after you may experience situations where the chameleon might reveal changing colourations that you have never seen before.

Panthers of the Sambava Locality and the other East Coast locales, are often said to "colour up" later in their growth than Western locales.

I have a Sambava that is almost a year old and shows less color than most females...grenns by the face and slight reds throughout, but that is it!!!
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