Post your cages!!

you are quite observant, but how can you see the tulips? LOL The aluminum cages are just basic ESU cages that I purchased and despise. The reservoir is controlled by a Kent float valve tied into the hot water line on the water heater. The bottom cages all have some form of catch basin and are hand misted, they are to be replaced with 2'x2' cubes built in the same style as the uppers, and now that is is getting cooler I may get some shop time so hopefully soon. The last "cage" on the right is a 15 gallon rubbermaid tub that I raise babies in, its lid is against the wall so it makes it tough to see the drain pipe going through the floor, sorry. That is about it simple right?
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I saw the pipe and wondered if that was the purpose of it...but for some reason I wasn't sure (brain glitch).

Hmmm..tulips and petunias, eh??

And...yup...the cages are very neat and clean!
Indoor enclosure: staghorn fern, ficus, aralia, grape vine, maidenhair fern, auto mist, humidifier, drain to 5 gallon bucket.
Outdoor enclosure: ficus, maidenhair fern, hibiscus.


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ive got a homeade 2'x3' x 4' tall with a swinging door. it works great for me and gives me plenty of room to move around. check it out in my pictures.
Yes, it is. This is the cage that my uncle built for me a while back with the 8 mesh plastic screen. Huge cage.. and it has worked out fantastic. I wish I had 10 more just like it.

Heika, what are the dimensions of your cage?

I think they are 33" by 31", the base cabinet is 30" tall.. and the cage is a bit over 5'. Give or take an inch here and there. If I was going to change anything, I would shorten the cabinet by a foot or so. Temperatures are hard to adjust because the basking bulb can't be lifted at all. I have to use a lower or higher wattage bulb.

Well Blender is only 8 weeks old today an i have ihim in one of these cages as u can see he is right in the middle on the top. lol


what do u guys think???

ps. HEIKA i like spencer's cage. where did u get it or did u built it. i would like one for Blender when he is older.
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