Post your egg pics and laying eggs pics

Hello eveyone. My favorite pictures that I see on these forums are egg pictures. By this I mean eggs hatching, chameleons laying eggs or digging holes to lay. I also like to see videos. So anyone that has some pics that fit these options...POST AHEAD!!! can't wait to see what kind of pics this thread will have to offer!!!
If I can get a decent photo of a hatchling climbing out of the egg, I will post it. All my photos of the eggs suck. I can't get a crisp, clear photo of them. I think I need a sweet camera.
Guess Who?

How can I miss the chance to share some of Lily's old photos! As some of you will know my Lily laid two clutches of infertiles - the first of 104 and the second of 102. She was the 'egglayer egg-straordinaire'!:D

The first clutch of 104 laid on Christmas Eve 2008)


Lily looking her very 'eggiest'!


Here's a pic of her actually laying her second clutch on Easter Sunday 2009

How big was Lilly to carry all of those eggs? That completely amazes me.

She was a big, beautiful girl. She weighed 200g a month AFTER that last clutch and I lost her soon after that. I think she was overfed before I got her at 6 months and I carried on (sadly I didn't know better then) feeding her too much. She was one of a kind, bless her, such a friendly cham. She never once hissed or gaped.
iI've posted thes pics before.. but its still cool


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lol ill add this pic of my nosy be eggs that just went 8 months in... i hope to be posting head emerging SOON already....grrrrrrr

sorry im hopin they will get the idea....
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