I have yet to own a female, but I have grown a great appreciation for them. Especially female Veiled's and Jacksons. They are so beautiful! I prefer the smaller casque and delicate pretty colors that the female Veiled's gets. I think for some people, it's like wine. It's an acquired taste. Most people want a colorful male for their first Chameleon, but come to really appreciate the beauty of the females as they gain experience.
Many of the species/locales I didn't appreciate as much when "getting into" Chameleons, I absolutely love now. I think it's just the "wow" factor. Adults can be like kids sometimes, they see something shiny or colorful and say "I want that". But as time goes on, they learn to love the more unique things in life. Isn't that what makes us all special? Lol.
I would post pics of mine but she practically has no colors shes an adult and has mated but shes a ugly green and besides janns and the photoprincess would put my pics to shame