posted for chameleongirl2 respond to her


Retired Moderator
hey guys here is the problem, my chameleon is puffing up her eyes. last year it was only one eye, but this year its both eyes, all puffy and itchy. it happens in winter,in the summer she is fine but it starts to get all puffed up in fall about once a day then it get to about 5 times every day!! does anyone know why she does this? does anyone know how to stop it from happening? i read on the internet that its beacause she doesnt have enough cold humidity, could this be true, so i tried spraying her, it goes away but come back. then i looked it up again, it said it was beacause there was something in her eye and i had to give her a bath, im NOT giving her a bath, i heard that it is a HUGGGE NO NO. any thoughts?

i put this on your page because i cant seem to post a question, so this is my last option, my last hope. if you read this please post back to me on my page, anything helps, please help!!!
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Now my response, I think the weather in your area changes and the humidity changes also. It might be having the heat on in the house or something that simple. Instead if a shower, put your cham on a plant right outside the shower every time you take one. It will help moisturizer the dry eyes. Also add in several more misting daily and see if that doesn't do the trick.
Hello Chameleongirl2 - how often do you normally mist her? And do you know what the usual humidity is?
Perhaps you can post a picture of the problem now that Laurie has started the thread for you?
My guess would also be the winter air/heating drying the air out. Maybe running a humidifier in the room would help.
Do you notice any correlation between the time this occurs and the time she sheds? (like the issue starts shortly afeter shedding and does not go away?)
Do you notice any correlation between the time this occurs and the time she sheds? (like the issue starts shortly afeter shedding and does not go away?)

not really, she sheds about once a year only, and it just seems to come in the winter... maybe it is the heater, in the middle of winter, but then i can't seem to figure out why she is doing it now, i mean the heaters aren't on yet where she is
i took the advice i have heard, i have put her back in her cage (cause she is free ranged) so she can get more humidity (in a smaller space the humidity will stay in longer) and i put a water bowl (for drinking though she always drinks) and 4 mealworm if she get hungry, she will stay there for tonight and ill see what happens
i took the advice i have heard, i have put her back in her cage (cause she is free ranged) so she can get more humidity (in a smaller space the humidity will stay in longer) and i put a water bowl (for drinking though she always drinks) and 4 mealworm if she get hungry, she will stay there for tonight and ill see what happens

The water bowl won't help much and most chams don't use them. They do create a hazard for small chams, and if insects fall into it a source of bad bacteria. Instead, add more live plants to her cage. There will be more leaves to give her more surfaces to drink from and it will raise the cage humidity.

As we've asked before, what is the humidity level in your room? You should measure it and it may help answer your question. If the air humidity level drops, you may see her start rubbing her eyes more. If the humidity level rises she may stop. You can get a room humidity gauge at most home improvement stores or reptile pet supplies. It is a very important thing to know.

BTW, if your cham drinks a lot every time you spray her she may be very thirsty much of the time...this is another sign of the dehydration we are talking about.
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