pothos mountain project..

Meow Kitty

New Member
well im making this jungle gym / pothos holder for my cham... heres what ive done sooo far....
great stuff- foamie stuff
rope- for holding and junked...
stakes- i made the frame outa stakes.
tomorrow ill silicone spaghum moss and dryed coco fibre on and add some more foam to make it more mountain like
tell me what you think

EDIT: im 16 i did this alll by myself no help from others (besides info online) so whats stopping you from these mini projects...


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Is spagnum moss stringy like spanish moss? If so, I personally would not use it as I would think if it were eaten it pose a choking hazard. JMO of course.
cool idea. mabey use the moss than to redue the chance of eating it cover it in fake fines. that will also make it easiyer to climb?
really cool! i remember doing stuff like this a year or so ago.

if you are worried about the moss or soil you will be covering the silicone with, you could always skip the silicone and moss all together, and simply use grout, which will harden like a cement (though not nearly as heavy) is water proof, and will give you the most "mountain" effect you can get... rock. good luck, not trying to change your mind, just lending some tip.
Does anyone else think it's funny that we keep animals in heavily planted cages, with laying bins full of sand/dirt for females, and we're worried about them choking on a little moss? :D Honestly, if you were to silicone the moss in place I think the risk is no higher than the cham catching a leaf with its tongue instead.

The grout is cool though. You can buy pebbles from the dollar store and branches and stick them into the grout.
done heres the end product before its dry... il take one last picture with the pothos on it after its dry.... i might put some lime green grout in lil patches but he might actually try and eat it so idk....


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done heres the end product before its dry... il take one last picture with the pothos on it after its dry.... i might put some lime green grout in lil patches but he might actually try and eat it so idk....

cool! show pic of it in the cage~!
Did you seal the grout at all? If not I would highly advise to do so! Go to a craft store and get "Mod Podge" Its an all purpose sealant that is non toxic
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