Pothos plant

Chameleon crazy

New Member
I just picked one up today, it's about 8in. long. They guaranteed that it was pesticide free, and non-toxic. But I was wondering if there is anything I should do to make sure that it is safe before putting it in with my chameleon?
I am not a trusting person when it comes to plants. I go outside with a bucket of water and some sudsy dish soap. I lay the plant down on the driveway and use a sponge or rag to completely douse the plant with the sudsy water. I turn the plant over to get the other side. This keeps the soap from getting into the soil. I let it sit for a few minutes and then I spray it off thoroughly while holding it sideways (also to keep the soap out of the soil. Then I put it right side up and spray it again very thoroughly. Plants can get fertilizer on the leaves when they water the plant at the nursery. I just don't take chances.
I'm having a hard time even finding one. Been to two Home depots and a Walmart. the plants are only labeled "Foliage" and can't really tell what they are.

As far as washing them though you should be able to just dunk them upside down in the sink with soap and water then rinse.
Be Very Careful!!! I recently lost a wonderful Cham cuz I was to stupid to clean my plants well enough. I would recommend washing down all the leaves and re-potting the plant in soil with NO harmful chemicals in it.
I'm having a hard time even finding one. Been to two Home depots and a Walmart. the plants are only labeled "Foliage" and can't really tell what they are.

As far as washing them though you should be able to just dunk them upside down in the sink with soap and water then rinse.

They also go by the more well known name of Devil's ivy.
Be Very Careful!!! I recently lost a wonderful Cham cuz I was to stupid to clean my plants well enough. I would recommend washing down all the leaves and re-potting the plant in soil with NO harmful chemicals in it.

Do you know where I can get some soil like that?:)
I bought mine at Kroger today and they had them at Homedepot as well. You might wanne ask if they have them available.
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