Powdered Bug Burger


New Member
Is it OK to use Powdered Bug Burger (not mixed with water and cooked), to Gutload Mealworms, Superworms, Roaches, and/or Crickets?

I just wonder if you dont add water, will the "Gel" portion of the powder cause a problem or dehydrate the feeders?
I found mealworms are easy and cheap to grow on ground chicken mash and I use the wet bug burger for moisture only along with some veggies. It's pretty expensive stuff to grow mealworms in.
Would they eat dry bug burger?

I have so much dry bug burger powder, that I use it as the bedding for my super worms. Can't tell If they're eating it or not.
I only feed it dry. Wet is a complete waste. The crickets simply don't eat enough of it, if anything else is available. Now dry, it is all gone by that night.
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