Hello everyone! So I have had my veiled Cham for about a month now and he is absolutely amazing! I have had many reptiles and amphibians in my life (leopard geckos, day geckos, fat-tailed geckos, frogs, newts, bearded dragons and even a few tarantulas) and can honestly say these little guys are the best! They're so cute and yet so odd looking. Like a reptile platypus. With a tail like a monkey, a tongue like an anteater, and the habits of a sloth. I am also so grateful for this website. It has been a GREAT resource for all of my needs and you guys are absolutely great at answering my crazy questions. Your dedication to these amazing creatures is unparalleled and your knowledge unrivaled. Thank you all and may this site as great of a resource for future Cham owners as it has and will continue to be for me.