Pregnant Chameleon


New Member
I took my chameleon to the vet about 2-3 weeks ago, they did x-rays and seen lots of eggs!! However now i think she is ready to lay her eggs but seems to be avoiding the laying bin :-(. Is there anything I should do different I have a live webcam feed if someone could check it out and give me advise or if someone thinks just give her some time and she will go there? I placed her in there to let her feel the sand and make her aware of it but nothing so far PLEASE HELP!!! Dont want Pastel to get egg bound.

Had live feed on previous website but was only allowed 3 hrs so I changed the site please still join in watching or giving me tips to help her lay her eggs. I was advised to give her 72hrs which i will be doing however the new link to find her will be posted below. I am in the USA central time so when its blacked out its because it is night time lol. Her lights are set 7am-7pm
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I took my chameleon to the vet about 2-3 weeks ago, they did x-rays and seen lots of eggs!! However now i think she is ready to lay her eggs but seems to be avoiding the laying bin :-(. Is there anything I should do different I have a live webcam feed if someone could check it out and give me advise or if someone thinks just give her some time and she will go there? I placed her in there to let her feel the sand and make her aware of it but nothing so far PLEASE HELP!!! Dont want Pastel to get egg bound.

is it possible to find something, like a bedspread to cover her cage, if she see's you or is alarmed by anyone there is a good chance she will abandon her laying bin altogether. << check these out also :) I am sure you have done already.
I took my chameleon to the vet about 2-3 weeks ago, they did x-rays and seen lots of eggs!! However now i think she is ready to lay her eggs but seems to be avoiding the laying bin :-(. Is there anything I should do different I have a live webcam feed if someone could check it out and give me advise or if someone thinks just give her some time and she will go there? I placed her in there to let her feel the sand and make her aware of it but nothing so far PLEASE HELP!!! Dont want Pastel to get egg bound.

Hey Beastmodez,
Cool live stream, I have had luck pre digging a hole or 2 ,and put her in one of them in the laying bin. Also make sure you give her lots of privacy, I drape a sheet over most of her cage. If that doesn't work you might try making a laying bin out of a small trash can office type ,and fill about 12 inches , you can also predig a hole and put her in . Your laying bin contains more than just sand I hope. I mix mine 1/2 sand 1/2 dirt mixed with water . Enough water to hold a hole open without it collapsing , and not too wet to dround the eggs. Waiting is the hardest part and the most exciting part. I would also call the vet back and ask their opinion on lay date and when you might bring her back if nothing is happening . Calls are free. Good luck , keep us posted
Hey Dave,

I had nothing but dirt in the bin before was told the dirt nor the bin was big enough and that I should change the bin to a 5 gallon bucket which I did and fill it with play sand and make sure it is moist which I have done so there is nothing but sand in the bin. I will definitely keep updates about her and will contact my vet in 72hrs if she has not laid the eggs. I have her basically in a room in the corner with a sheets about 2 feet from her cage from the floor to the ceiling to give her privacy. You are right waiting is the hardest thing I just want to make sure she is ok and not getting egg bound. :)

Had live feed on previous website but was only allowed 3 hrs so I changed the site please still join in watching or giving me tips to help her lay her eggs. I was advised to give her 72hrs which i will be doing however the new link to find her will be posted below. I am in the USA central time so when its blacked out its because it is night time lol. Her lights are set 7am-7pm
Privacy is extremely important. I have had luck using a large trash can, the kind with wheels, like you'd roll out to the side of the road for the trash pick up. I fill it with about 12 inches of moist playsand and put it in a spare room. I do dig a hole and put my girl in with no way out. Hopefully your girl will lay. Keep us posted.

She was down around and on the bin today but never went inside so far she went right over it hopefully she will step foot in there and feel thats her egg laying spot soon :-(
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