pregnant or just fat?:


New Member
So ive noticed jasmine has been gaining some weight i dont know if im overfeeding or if shes ready to lay eggs... ive had her almost a year and she hasnt laid any with me but she did with the previous owners so im worried she could be ready to lay again and i want to be on top of it because i dont want her to get egg bound. so what do u guys think?

i feed her about 4 crickets a day or 5-10 superworms a day depends on what i have she usually eats until shes not hungry and some days she wont eat if she had a big meal before.

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I would think there would be no harm in having a place for her to lay eggs just in case, as long as it doesn't get dirty. Any thoughts?
She's beautiful. I would have a laying bin available for her just in case..not a spot of sand on the floor, but something she can dig into. If you can't fit an actual bin in the cage, then something at least a little deep (like an inch or two) so she can get in there and start digging to tell you it's time to move her to the laying bin.
She's beautiful. I would have a laying bin available for her just in case..not a spot of sand on the floor, but something she can dig into. If you can't fit an actual bin in the cage, then something at least a little deep (like an inch or two) so she can get in there and start digging to tell you it's time to move her to the laying bin.

I agree, she does look rather plump.
don't know about being gravid, but 5-10 superworms is too much to feed on a regular basis in my opinion. They are very high in fat content and this could be contributing to her "plump" figure.. just my two cents from what I know :)
don't know about being gravid, but 5-10 superworms is too much to feed on a regular basis in my opinion. They are very high in fat content and this could be contributing to her "plump" figure.. just my two cents from what I know :)

Yeah I also agree, especially since she isn't a full-time free ranger. Are you using more than crickets and supers for that sweet girl?
Holy crap, that's a bigass beautiful chameleon. Looks like a dinosaur. Maybe stick some posters around the bottom of the cage so it's darker/makes her feel more secure?

By the way, one thing I found unsettling about my females - they always notice when I'm in the room. My female oustaleti won't even eat if she knows I'm watching her. The female jacks just watch me until they're behind a big schefflera leaf.

How does your cham act around you peacenlove?
She really doesnt look fat to me. Im not an expert on mllers though but looking at the limbs, cheeks and pads on the head she looks to be a good weight but not obese. I do agree to cut back on the super worms. A general rule for adults is around 6 appropriate sized insects or equivalent to every other day. Of course every animal is different and this may be too little or even too much. Just gotta get in tune with the individual.

If you can edit your title I think you may get more hits from a melleri keeper. Go to the original post, hit edit, go to advanced options (I think) and there you can edit the title. Maybe put melleri in parenthesis so it sticks out to other melleri keepers.

Really nice looking animal!
Alright all answer all you guys in one comment :D

Elizadolots: she doesn’t just have “dirt on the floor” she actually has a big bin that’s about 3-5 inches full of nothing but dirt and a fiscus tree, she hasn’t started digging yet tho

Parabushusking: thanks for your two cents ;) ha I feed her about 5-10 every couple days if she eats 10 in one day I wont feed her for a couple days she usually only eats when shes hungry and I like to change her diet up so she isn’t always eating superworms right now shes eating crickets and when those are gone ill probably get her another pinky mouse, she loves those!

Cricektkilla: like my previous answer she eats a variety of everything, cocaroaches “when I want to feed her those gross things” milworms, superworms,crickets,pinky mice and when I feed her a pinky I usually wait a week before feeding her again. And she is a full time free ranfer but she doesn’t like to go to far from her cage she like to always be touching it ha I only put her away at night and when I leave for work just for her safety I do have a cat who would love to get her hands on anything that moves.

Spawn: ive had my cham for about a year and shes almost 5 years old and to be honest we have a amazing connection, such a good connection that when she gets upset and puffs up I can calm her down and she will cool down ( usually when she sees the cat or another cham she puffs up ready to hiss) but she has a great personality she will let anyone pet her and she doesn’t freak or get upset. I think the main reason why is because when she was little she didn’t get the proper care and ended up getting a vitamin deficiency so she cant stick her tongue out more than a couple inches and her tongue is not as sticky as it should be so I hand feed her everyday some days she will just open her mouth and expect me to feed her, other days she will try her hardest to stretch her tongue out as far as she can. I think that’s the main reason why she’s so friendly.

Cainschams: thanks ill have to do that :

Heyshelbrae: thanks :) and ya I was waiting for someone to say things about that poaster.

Deadhd5: thanks they really are amazing creatures :)

I think I got everyone who comented, sorry if I missed you! ha
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