Kristen Wilkins
Chameleon Enthusiast
I'm so so sorry agin . That's a terrible first experience. You put so much effort into getting everything right before getting JaJa . We all deal with pain in our own way . Post pics when your ready .Hey all.
I hate to admit this but unfortunately my willpower is crap when I'm emotionally compromised. While I'm still fully devastated from the loss of JaJa, I can't stand the empty enclosure.
I actually went to Pet Supply Plus, who just opened, and they had a veiled available that's been there since they opened about a month and a half ago. I did choose to take her home with me, but please don't have this reflect poorly on me. I did the same thing when my beloved beardie passed months ago, the empty enclosure stirs up sadness as a constant, painful reminder. I'd rather the enclosure represent life and happiness than memories, and gives me something to focus on.
While I'm not up to getting too excited about this new one just yet, I did give her a misting as soon as I got her in and she opened her mouth to catch the mist and proceeded to go around and lick the droplets. She also found the food cup and has been watching the nymph roaches, so so far so good.
She is not nearly as adorable as JaJa but I'm sure she'll grow on me to help the hurt.
I'm going to schedule a vet appointment for her soon to get her checked out since she's from a chain store, but I would get her checked out regardless.
Thank you all for your words of kindness at JaJa's passing. I still can't believe that happened so fast. I literally watched her drain away.