Established Member
I just like to think of the classic veiled moodiness as personality . Veileds are so pretty in my opinion because of their colors combined with their size and casque. It makes for a beautiful animal. Not that I wouldn't get a panther too if I had a chance .Haha, thanks. I've considered panthers as well, being so cool and colorful, but I think I'm pretty set on a veiled for now. Yes, they're the more common and "disposable" one, but the amount of money I spend on them won't change the attention and care I give to them, unfortunately for the general population this may differ.
I'm sure temperament is largely based off of interaction with the animal, and I interact with my animals many times daily, so hopefully that should offset any moodiness.
Regarding gender, I do see males coming off as the easier of the two due to eggs. I thought about getting another male beardie after my oldest succumbed to cancer (female, she showed symptoms of being gravid up until it was confirmed as cancer) but loved the idea of another little girl. Perhaps it's best not to have two female lizards so I'm not doing double gravid, though...