Preparing for my first chameleon, tips appreciated

So cute, lol.
My oldest beardie always wants out. I leave one of his doors open when I'm home so he can enter and leave. Today he hopped out, ran over to me on the couch, tried to jump up but didn't make it, so I scooped him up and set him on me and he crawled up onto my shoulder and just looked around. It was really sweet.

I hope Vedool is a little lover
I hope so to try to get some tips from @jannb .
So cute, lol.
My oldest beardie always wants out. I leave one of his doors open when I'm home so he can enter and leave. Today he hopped out, ran over to me on the couch, tried to jump up but didn't make it, so I scooped him up and set him on me and he crawled up onto my shoulder and just looked around. It was really sweet.

I hope Vedool is a little lover
That's so cute! I'm thinking of getting another bearded dragon in a month or so xD
Meant to add this with my last post IMAG4072.jpg
I love love love that mister!

I never even hear it go off. I'll look at the clock and realize it just went off, peek on him, and everything will be nice and beaded in water and he'll be hunkered down by a leaf. Not sure if he was drinking or anything because as soon as I peek he just stares at me until I slink away. He's on to me.

Haha! I just had an image of you and your little man having a staring standoff with the theme to "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly" playing at the same time. My brain is very animated :ROFLMAO:
He's a quick little guy, too.

I checked on him this morning as I was getting ready for work and he was up basking, was a dark green/mossy brown color. Went to fill a cricket cup, came back a minute later, and couldn't find him. He was up near the front and was light green in his plants.
Perhaps anxiously awaiting the crickets? I let 2 loose, and 5 in a cup.
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