Preshed attitude ..?


New Member
I think he is started to shed I see a little but if skin flakes .. And he's super dark is that okay ?
Please post a picture or two of him/her if you can.

Being dark usually means they are sick or stressed out.

If you handle him frequently, stop handling him/bothering him until the shed is done.

Make sure to mist more than usual when he sheds.

He was a lot darker earlier now he seems fine a slight dark ness but not much

The left is his usual color
He is not that dark.

I would only worry if he is dark brown or black, or just very very dark green. He is probably fine.
He is not that dark.

I would only worry if he is dark brown or black, or just very very dark green. He is probably fine.

Well earlier he was a dark green with black specs soo Idk I tried to feed him meal worms today and that's when it started I gave him crickets instead and he seemed fine .. Soo idk
Well earlier he was a dark green with black specs soo Idk I tried to feed him meal worms today and that's when it started I gave him crickets instead and he seemed fine .. Soo idk

He looks kind of small. Maybe for a while you should stick to small crickets. A chameleon might get a mealworm in his mouth and even swallow it, but it might just be a bit too much for him right now. Don't rush things, when he/she is bigger those mealworms will be good.
Looks just fine to me. My guy is actually a shade of brown/green the majority of the time and then jumps up to a light green with highlights when I take him out, or if he is feeding usually.
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