Pretty Sure Its the End

BKO Overdrive

Established Member
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Jacksons Chameleon, been in my care since October 2016
  • Handling - I handle him alot because I have to feed him
  • Feeding - Crickets, silk worms, wax worms
  • Supplements - Calcium twice a week with calcium with D3 once a month and Vit once a month
  • Watering - Have a automatic mister set for 4 min at a time sprays every 3 hours.
  • Fecal Description - Whole Worms, if not watery and diarrhea
  • History - I received him from Petco and he has always had this issue

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Medium Reptibreeze Cage
  • Lighting - Zilla linear tube, 45watt heat bulb and two natural light LED bulbs
  • Temperature - 78 F basking and ambient around 71
  • Humidity - Humidity is around 75-85% from mistings, i live in louisiana so its always humid
  • Plants - I have one big Ficus in there and a few fake plants in the corners
  • Placement - Cage is lifted up 5 feet from the floor on a custom drain box system. Very low traffic, i live by myself currently and they are in the living room, im only home in the morning before i leave but when i come back they are sleeping.
  • Location - Lafayette LA

Current Problem - Hes not eating, plain and simple. I had wrote about this a while ago but i thought maybe it was because he was in a new place. He is closing his eyes during the day alot, i know thats not good and at first someone sugested the cage might be to dim, so i removed the compact reptisun lights got him his own zilla t8 linear bulb, and added to led bulbs to increase the lighting in the cage and now its really bright. Still he closes his eye. I have only ever seen him eat once, a small cricket and two silk worms. EVERYthing else i have had to feed him. I had his fecal checked and nothing came up wrong. I had a long talk with the vet and she told me to increase his lights (which i did) and to give him wax worms to try and get him some energy. I would put 3 wax worms a day on his branch, When i would come home they were gone so i assumed he ate them, The last weekend i cleaned his cage and found all the wax worms under the cage in one corner so he had not eatin anything. At this point im at a 100% loss. THe wax worms i did give him ive seem him poop them out whole, almost as if hes not even digesting them properly, i thought it was him not getting enough heat to digest but i checked his temps with the care sheet and they were perfect. Ive had to force feed him for the past month just to put anything in him. Sometimes ill put a worm in his mouth and ill lay it i his mouth but he will outright push it out of his mouth like he doesnt want to eat it. I honestly am at a lost, at this rate he is going to die soon. Hes barely latching on to his branch he looks really skinny and worn out, i see him drink all the time but hes not eating. Im open to ideas. He has had this issue ever since i bought him from Petco, he even looked the same as he did now and i figured they were just not feeding him enough or properly. But starting to think he always had a issue. Ive cared for my vieled for a year and a half, shes doing fantastic, just had her first egg laying experience, so i think im capable to care for these animals, the dedication and time ive spent to make sure hes okay but everything i do seems like its not helping.
Wish I could give you info but I've never had to deal with a sick Cham hope he is better soon
Also wax worms are no good for chams

Thats what i thought too, but the vet recommended that i use it as a high source of fat to get him up and going, ive never fed my chams wax worms
I'm sorry I read that wrong earlier wax worms are OK mill worms are not the they will bound them up the worms are most likely causing the diarrhea some or all of it
This can also be a cause, since ive had to force feed him she wanted me to feed him soft worms as opposed to crickets, he used to have runny bowel movements but now he is pooping the worms whole. Which is not a good sign. His urate is white and i see him drink all the time.
You said you had his poo tested ?

I did, i was scared he had some kind of parasite as being he is probably wild caught. My Female vieled had a high level of pinworms but we took care of that. She said nothing came back bad but she did say that sometimes parasites will not show up in fecal test. So the next step and the only thing i can think of, of possible something wrong with his stomach.
I wish I had a good suggestion. If he can't digest wax worms stick to silks if you can get them. I'm guessing your vet was looking to up the fat in his diet with wax worms. You could repeat the fecal as your vet suggested they don't all shed ova all the time and can go undetected. I guessing you don't have any to test as he isn't digesting anything.
You should ask your vet about feeding carnivore care or another food replacement. They are fed by syringe and you need to be careful not to let them aspirate (get it in their lungs). Feeding demo:
I'm sorry I can't be of more help.
I wish I had a good suggestion. If he can't digest wax worms stick to silks if you can get them. I'm guessing your vet was looking to up the fat in his diet with wax worms. You could repeat the fecal as your vet suggested they don't all shed ova all the time and can go undetected. I guessing you don't have any to test as he isn't digesting anything.
You should ask your vet about feeding carnivore care or another food replacement. They are fed by syringe and you need to be careful not to let them aspirate (get it in their lungs). Feeding demo:
I'm sorry I can't be of more help.

Okay that is good info, ill def ask her when i see her tomorrow, we had the vet bump up the time so he could be seen sooner. Thats def a good idea, at this point its looking like ill have to do something like that maybe to bump his size up
What kind of multivitamin are you using? I think you are using too many bright lights, it can cause issues with eyes.
What kind of multivitamin are you using? I think you are using too many bright lights, it can cause issues with eyes.

I use Rep-Cal Heprtivite, I used to have a dual combo lamp thing that came with the med size starter kit. I had a heat lamp in one and a compact mini uvb in the other, got rid of that and bout the zilla T8 fixture and bought a side heat lamp. then i used the spare dual lamp combo i had and threw two natural light led bulbs. I looked and someone said that ther cham kept going to the bottom and sleeping cause the cage was dimply lit. So i got those thinking maybe that was a reason he was sleeping cause the lights were not very bright in his cage. But seems that was not the cause i only have one turned on now which is plenty i guess.
definitely not, you also can ditch the calcium with D3 if you use repashy. If it's the LoD formula which is the only thing I use anymore with all my reptiles, I use once to two times a week with my jackson.
Okay im seeing now that its a all in one. What ill have to do is Ill go get some and ill start him on that. Hopefully we can fix his eating issue as I just called the vet and she thinks its something to do with his stomach, not being able to digest his food. Hes not taking in any nutrients. Ill get that now, if he makes it i def use it for him if you have had great success. Thanks!
You could also use a liquid diet. Right now I have a blind chameleon, usually if they don't feel good and aren't eating enough they won't eat at all and it will get worse. I blend bugs with a little bit of warm water, and some veggies or fruit, just a smidge, and give it to my panther with an oral syringe, I often mix his vitamin etc in it. But I don't recommend doing liquid diets unless you are comfortable doing oral syringe stuff. In order not to aspirate you have to stick the nozzle of the syringe back in the opening of his throat.
Im pretty sure thats whats going on, hes feeling bad and in general is not eating making this all worse. Would i do the oral feeding, yes. My only worry is not doing it properly, ive manually fed him a bunch so he lets me open his mouth but i ususally place the bug on his touge and he chomps down on it. Well these days he just spits it out. I put it in his mouth and he moves his tounge and pushes it out. So if i got his mouth open wide im sure i could pull it off. Any tricks or advice?
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