Process of Shedding


New Member
I have a female jackson. I think she's about a year. She's had babies just before I got her. Anyways she started to shed like three weeks ago. Only one foot shed. Then a few days later her chin shed. Then a week ago her belly shed. I see some pictures on here where the whole body sheds at once. Is this piecemeal shedding normal and ok? She has been to the vet and he said she is healthy. Maybe she's shedding like that because she is older? Any ideas?
From what I've read before, shedding becomes a longer process than when they were kids. I can't speak for Jacksons but my baby panthers skin practically falls off within an hour. but the older ones will shed for a long time, piece by piece.
Excellent description of the shedding!!

Hi rmhuey!
My 1 1/2 year old Male Veil does exactly the shedding that you described regarding your Female Jackson. Sounds like very normal shedding to me and it shows that your Jackson, like my Veil is well and healthy when you see them shed at normal intervals.
Just to let you know, I did have a Panther that passed away and he did stop shedding after 7 months of age and at that time, I should have been realized that as a flag warning that my Chameleon was not healthy at that point because healthy Chameleons alway shed at normal intervals. Well, I learned a lot from this forum and also by being just a more experienced Chameleon owner in looking for abnormalities!!

What are the the humidity levels inside the cage? Is she properly hydrated and otherwise healthy?
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