Prolapse during lay cycle..Back from vet..


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Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled / 1.5 yrs old / Female / Got from petsmart at age 3 months

Handling - Lately a bunch giving antibiotics and taking to vet but usually once a week.

Feeding - 10-15 large crickets every 2 days, a couple superworms every 2 days (when not feeding crickets)

Supplements - Pure calcium each time I feed crickets unless its multivitamin (once a month), or D3 (every 2 weeks)

Watering - Mist King basic setup. I have it set for 5 misting sessions per day with about 3 minutes each spray.

Fecal Description - No fecal deposits in 5 days!

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Full screen 18x54 I think.

Lighting - 2 Heat lamps and UVB bulb (non-coil)

Temperature - I use digital heat/humidity reader. During day it stays 86 degrees and can get as low as 67 at night when lights are out.

Humidity - 50-80% depending on when last misting session was.

Plants - 2 Ficus as tall as the enclosure

Placement - On small table in corner of my room

Location - West Coast (LA)

Current Problem -
Hello my Chameleon (Cami) had an intestinal prolapse about a week ago. She was about 1 month early for her lay cycle but after the prolapse she released a few eggs inside the cage.

I had done some research and kept the area moist until I could get her to the vet. Before she was taken to the vet, she continued to lay a couple more eggs inside the cage even after the prolapse.

She was left with the vet who did the surgery the next day to get it back up in there (it was prolapsed pretty bad, almost a full inch).

Since the vet visit, they gave me antibiotics (Baytril) to give to her daily which I have done.

I asked about whether or not I should get Cami into a laying bin so she could do her thing (this is her third cycle) and the vet told me no because the area was very tender.

Its been almost 5 days now and she hasnt passed any feces yet and just today I saw another egg drop at the bottom of the cage. Is it long enough to get her into a laying bin? Also if she hasnt passed any feces for 5 days or so, how serious can this be?

She isnt eating at all but is drinking quite a bit since the vet. Please help me with this situation im in. I am unsure what to do next as the vet didnt seem very accustomed to chameleons specifically.
Also, as far as her urates..I havent seen any since the vet as well. Possibly some white spots that could have squirted out but definitely not in the form its supposed to and unsure if its old or recent.
She usually lays between 60-75 eggs. So far in this cycle she has dropped maybe 8 total in her cage since the prolapse, not all at the same time. No male involved.

She usually lays eggs every 3.5 - 4 months..
Those are large could be that you have been overfeeding her and that often leads to a prolapse and can cause constipation and even MBD.
Yeah after some research im also convinced of this. I just need to get through this so I can work on a better diet schedule and feeding. Would you suggest I put her in an egg laying bin or wait for awhile until shes off the antibiotics.
bump. any ideas on what to do here? Would it be a bad idea to let her dig her hole to lay her clutch? Still no sign of feces but urates are definitely coming out in small bits.
I think I would provide her with a laying bin. After she lays or gets the surgery area dirty I would do my best to clean it and keep her on the antibiotics for awhile after laying.

She's probably not producing feces since she's not eating. You might have to force feed her. You need to keep her well hydrated while on the antibiotic. Antibiotics can be rough on the kidneys.
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