Pronunciation of Oustalet's

This is the winning argument for me right here. So in French, it is ew-sta-lay? Then again, Oustlet's is possessive.... Can someone who know French tell us how to pronounce the possessive form of Frédéric Émile Oustalet's name?

You are going to have to mix the French pronunciation with English grammar.

D'Oustalet is the how it would be in French. (Dewstalay)
Oustalet definitely looks french. I don't think it's ew, with the strong kind of Y sound, but more like ooo, like when people go ooo, ahhh at fireworks.
"Ew" is not pronounced "eywwww." It's like "Dew" without the D.

A French "ew" or "oo" is quite clipped, not drawn out. There's almost a forcefulness at the start of the sound. I'm not explaining it right, but it isn't a drawn out sound. I think we are both trying to say the same thing.
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