Propogation SUCCESS!!!

Basically I kept it super wet, and pretty damn hot... I put organic soil in a tupperware like 2cup bowl and filled it... The I SOAKED the stuff... Drained it and left it in with about 200 adults.... I left it for 2 days and by then I could see eggs everywhere... Then I put the top on it and poked about 25 small pin size holes to allow SOME fresh air circulation but not too much, then I put it on a heat source that reached about 90 degrees for 5 days... Then I took the top off and placed the tub into a rubbermaid tub and put THAT on a heat source for 2 more days... After that I saw a few babies and so I put in a toilet paper ladder from tub to the rubbermaid floor and stuck some food in and voila... Just remember they need the heat so keep them there until at least 24 hours after they hatch or until they turn from white to brown

This doesn't sound too difficult. What are you using for a heat source? Everyone keeps saying I need heat for the dubia I am getting as well, but no one will tell you what works best lol I see the danger in using a heat source with plastic tubs, but anything in particular work best?
This doesn't sound too difficult. What are you using for a heat source? Everyone keeps saying I need heat for the dubia I am getting as well, but no one will tell you what works best lol I see the danger in using a heat source with plastic tubs, but anything in particular work best?

I have a hovabator incubator for my crickets, they sell heat tape which works great, you can also use heating pad, I have my dubia in a plastic Tupperware type bin sitting on a heating pad set on med. You can provide a heat source by ceramic heater as well
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