Pokey is on his 3rd round of Amikacin to fight off this pseudomonas and to me it seems like its not working. Is there anything else i can do to help Pokey with this battle.
The vet says the bacterica is sensitive to the Amikacin but it hasnt cleared up yet and there are reoccuring problems (abcess')
I built him a new cage, new plants, new everything just to be sure he isnt "sitting" in the bacterica. I clean his cage daily, wiping down leaves and branches. Whatelse can I do?
The vet says the bacterica is sensitive to the Amikacin but it hasnt cleared up yet and there are reoccuring problems (abcess')
I built him a new cage, new plants, new everything just to be sure he isnt "sitting" in the bacterica. I clean his cage daily, wiping down leaves and branches. Whatelse can I do?