Pulled tail hard by accident!!


New Member
I went home for lunch and noticed there is a branch that is about to fall so I tried to get my Veiled off the branch and put him back in his enclosure with some food-- when I tried grabbing him he wouldn't let go and he usually does and the branch and the chameleons was about to fall and I think i might have pulled his tail near his back too hard-- I'm not sure how hard but I wasn't happy with what happened-- I did pull hard because he was about to fall. I hope he's ok; i felt bad and put him back on a different branch and sprayed his down-- he seems to be walking fine, i feel bad and not sure if he is ok? is he going to hate me now?
I doubt you did any real damage. These are animals that swing on their tails to get some where if they need to. Just keep an eye on him.
He should be ok, my Veiled has slipped and swung/hung on his tail multiple times before when scrambling for food, no damage seems to be have done. As for if your's is going to hate you or not, if you see him hissing or puffing at you that's totally normal for a male veiled -they're pretty damn grouchy.
He's gotten a lot better now. He lets me handle him, but its a process. My panther is way easier. I gave my veiled a large dubia as a treat and he ate it. I'm glad he's ok and hope he forgot what happened. They are hard to gain trust from my experience. Thank you all for your reply made me feel better.
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