Punctuation saves lives

Maybe it's just the teacher in me, but some of these threads are very difficult to read because they are lacking punctuation. It's important, kiddos;) For example.......


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Veiled- not vieled or veild

Lizard- not lizzard

Maxttu- not maxxtu... :mad: ... :D
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Veiled- not vieled or veild

Lizard- not lizzard

Maxttu- not maxxtu... :mad: ... :D

Not off-topic at all!
And here is a GOLDEN rule.....little "I" should never stand alone.

When i am talkin bout myself i should not use a lil i even though it takes time to press the "shift" key.:p:p
Oh, btw, can we abbreviate??

BTW- by the way
SMH- shaking my head
THX- Thanks
LOL- Laugh(ing) out loud
FWIW- for what it's worth

I'm guilty as charged on all of those. I'm sure that I'm missing some... ;)
My favorite is when I see someone answering threads or comments like these with how they can't stand bad 'grammer'! hahaha That gets me every time! The your/you're and lose/loose drive me crazy too!
I work at a pet store and I have to correct the ID stickers on the cages all the time.

For example, we were selling a "tortaise" and a "Columbian boa."

Also, I am everyone's go-to proof reader at my university, because aparently engineers are incapable of writing coherent essays. And English isn't even my first language.

That said, I am typing using a touch pad and I am horrible using one, so any typos arr the fault of this stupid tablet lol
I work at a pet store and I have to correct the ID stickers on the cages all the time.

For example, we were selling a "tortaise" and a "Columbian boa."

Also, I am everyone's go-to proof reader at my university, because aparently engineers are incapable of writing coherent essays. And English isn't even my first language.

That said, I am typing using a touch pad and I am horrible using one, so any typos arr the fault of this stupid tablet lol

I keep thinking back to the old days when some of us whined about how poorly people typed when working on desktops...now that people are trying to type on teeny tiny phones I realize it was heaven! One of many reasons (no service) I don't have or use a tablet or smartphone. I can barely see the danged keys without reader glasses let alone use them. The last thing I want is to narrow my visual world down to something in the palm of my hand for hours every day.
What about people who have Dyslexia or spelling issues? Although it is true I find threads like these put people off asking questions as they don't want to be made fun off or constantly corrected by 'Grammar Nazis'. Whn ppl srt tlkn lyk dis, thts whn u sai no moar!
What about people who have Dyslexia or spelling issues? Although it is true I find threads like these put people off asking questions as they don't want to be made fun off or constantly corrected by 'Grammar Nazis'. Whn ppl srt tlkn lyk dis, thts whn u sai no moar!

Spelling errors are understandable, as I make them myself. I am a teacher, but I am a terrible speller. That's what spell-check is for, anybody can use it.:D And dyslexia (which is not capitalized, BTW;) is not what it used to be. It is not seeing letters and numbers backwards, it is the inability to read at all. Most people with dyslexia avoid forums, as they would exert so much energy trying to decode the phonemes that they would have little energy left to comprehend the content. This is all in good fun.;) People just need to use periods and commas and they will be golden:).
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When my teacher tells us to exchange essays and suggest topics and such, I just fix punctuation because I can't understand a thing that I read! :eek:
im terrible with grammar. i know what goes where (for the most part) i just dont care. you should seriosuly see my handwriting. there are like no spaces between words and my letter n s u h and half of k are virtually indistinguishable from one another. the continuity of my blatherings generally dont follow the rules but i just blurt everything out in the same manner it comes to mind. in fact youre all probably lucky i try my best to use periods.


i think the worst thing i do is spell toward tword
It doesn't bother me as long as it's understandable to a point. This is a place for information to be shared and help. Chameleons forums is a diverse group of people of different ages, countries, and educational levels.
I also rather get help from someone who cant type correctly rather them not even bother typing at all.
Typing doesn't have to be perfect (especially with people using phones and what not) but a couple of periods, commas, and a paragraph break here and there would be great! Its so hard to read a wall of text that has 4 sentences combined together!
Ok everyone, I am very sorry I started this thread:(. I was irritated with reading threads with zero punctuation, but I realized that's MY problem, and I really shouldn't have commented on it. I did not mean to upset anyone, or to give anyone the impression that I think I'm better than anybody.

I understand learning disabilities....I have one. I understand poverty....I came from it. I understand diversity.....I am married to someone who is from a foreign land and who speaks english as a second language. I have dedicated my life to helping at-risk youth and young children, and the last thing I want to do is cause someone to feel bad.

If I have offended anyone, please accept my apology:(
Ok everyone, I am very sorry I started this thread:(. I was irritated with reading threads with zero punctuation, but I realized that's MY problem, and I really shouldn't have commented on it. I did not mean to upset anyone, or to give anyone the impression that I think I'm better than anybody.

I understand learning disabilities....I have one. I understand poverty....I came from it. I understand diversity.....I am married to someone who is from a foreign land and who speaks english as a second language. I have dedicated my life to helping at-risk youth and young children, and the last thing I want to do is cause someone to feel bad.

If I have offended anyone, please accept my apology:(

I don't think you offended any one haha :) but as a Junior in high school, grammar is so easy and I just can not stand how some people write essays, lol.
I'm also guilty i have really bad grammar and spelling ...some times when i am posting and my gf if next to me reading it she corrects every thing for me...:eek::eek::eek:...but that's why she's my other half...:p
Ok everyone, I am very sorry I started this thread:(. I was irritated with reading threads with zero punctuation, but I realized that's MY problem, and I really shouldn't have commented on it. I did not mean to upset anyone, or to give anyone the impression that I think I'm better than anybody.

I understand learning disabilities....I have one. I understand poverty....I came from it. I understand diversity.....I am married to someone who is from a foreign land and who speaks english as a second language. I have dedicated my life to helping at-risk youth and young children, and the last thing I want to do is cause someone to feel bad.

If I have offended anyone, please accept my apology:(

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