Punctuation saves lives

You are not off base at all - I completely agree with your gripes about punctuation. I think that we can all agree that there is a definite difference between people honestly not being able to spell properly, or use correct grammar, and those who just choose to type as if they were texting. I find the latter quite distasteful, and will quit reading a thread if there is too much "abbreviated" wording.

I used to be an English tutor in college (it was a culinary school, not Yale :D), and rely heavily on spell-check. However, I will not give up my smiley faces :D:D:D
This is one of my favorites....

First its punctuation and now its quick txting and grammar :rolleyes:. Maybe you people should just read chameleon books and articles that have been edited and published so its not so sore on your eyes.

Who uses spell check anyways these days. LOL its Autocorrect ;)
I keep thinking back to the old days when some of us whined about how poorly people typed when working on desktops...now that people are trying to type on teeny tiny phones I realize it was heaven! One of many reasons (no service) I don't have or use a tablet or smartphone. I can barely see the danged keys without reader glasses let alone use them. The last thing I want is to narrow my visual world down to something in the palm of my hand for hours every day.

I love this....As one who has to take her glasses off to read anything close up (this despite the variable focus lenses....my eyes are so bad that the lenses can't do it all) I object to having to "go blind" to the real world in order to interact with the "on line" world.
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