Putting Chameleon Outside Thoughts


New Member
Well today will be the first day that my 1.5yr old Blue Bar is outside. I have him in a hanging cage on a metal hanging basket post. He also lives in the same type of cage but the largest one Exo-Terra makes. They resemble bird cages and are sometimes used for species collection.
My concerns are I'm missing something. Are there any rules of thumb to keeping a Chameleon outside for the day? Do some of you keep them out in the summer time at night? What about mites or any other bugs? Also he ate his favorite food outside in the cage this morning as soon as I put him in there. I was hoping this will help him adjust. Any advice or experiences would be helpful.
The first one is of him sleeping last night.
The next two are of the outside cage.


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Just make sure he has a shady spot he can get to in his cage when it's in the sun. They love sunlite but you don't want to cook them. How about putting a net over the small tree behind him? He'd love that. i would also give him a shower to make sure he can drink if he wants to.
If you have predators with claws, I wouldn't leave him alone in a mesh cage. My boyfriend had his jacksons in a cage that had nylon/fiberglass screen and his cat tore through the whole thing. She doesn't really care for chameleons and left him alone so I think she may have been going for the crickets, but still, it's Very scary.
I have protection dogs and they hate everything indiscriminately. My dogs kill deer in the 140 lb. range. If it is my yard they kill it. I live in the woods and there isn't something indigenous or invasive they haven't killed.

So I look out side, and my Guardians are sitting near the cage. Nothing like 250 lbs. of dogs to detour something.

However, the point is taken and my house will shadow his cage around noon. I don't plan to keep him out all day for a couple of weeks. I have also put an automated mister out there misting every 55 minutes for 5 minutes. Please keep the advice coming. I don't want to make a mistake.
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