PYGMI....Cure for my itch?


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Since Jasper passed I told myself I would not jump right into another chameleon right away. Well I think I am good. Bagera is fantastic and doing good. The itch has returned and I think I am ready. The weird thing is the chameleon I want is one that I never thought I would have. I REALLY want some little PYGMI's...:eek: I know right.... So what do you guys think is this a good cure for the itch?
That's easy: get a pygmy or two! They have a lot of personality packed in those little bodies. I so enjoy mine!

Oh, sorry, were you meaning what type? I like the bearded pygmies. Easy to come by and easy to look after. There are more rare species that you may be able to get in the US. Some of them are quite fascinating, but unavailable where I live.
Do you have any other Chams? or just the pygmy's.... Also noticed I spelled pygmy's with an "i" and not a "y".... Does this mean I shouldnt get them LoL =]
Yup -- that's the deal. If you can't spell them you can't have them LOL. Singular is "pygmy", plural is "pygmies", and knowing that qualifies me as an expert (jk). Right now I have a Werners and some babies from her. I've had Sternfeldi in the past, and also a Flapneck for a brief time. I like keeping the smaller chams. I appreciate the larger species, but they're really not for me.
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