Pygmy Humidity methods


Avid Member
Can anyone share their humidity methods for pygmies, especially Temporalis pygmies. I know that they need something close to 100% humidity. Is there any way to do this with out misting the tank all day? Also, do you think that a 20 gallon tank that is mostly height, good for a trio? I want to start putting together my enclosure soon. Thanks.
In my pygmie tank I used a layer of organic top soil and then a layer of coconut fiber. These allow pretty good drainage but retain enough moisture that the humidity stays pretty high. You can actually OVER mist pygmies a lot more often than under mist them :)
I don't keep my humidity that high in the leaf tanks. I don't have temporalis, I have brevs and some brooks, but I believe their care is very similar. It has been my experience with the brevs that if you leave the humidity and "wetness" that high, you will experience more eye infections, etc. I like mine to run about 65-70%. I mist leaf enclosures lightly twice a day, and then one time very heavy every third day. It is my belief that, like the larger species, allowing the enclosures to dry between mistings is very important for their overall health and to cut down on bacterial growth.

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