Pygmy Shedding Time Lapse


Staff member
Pygmies shed their entire skin within an hour or two! They split down the middle and then stretch their little heads and tails all around to loosen the split and eventually end up pulling it off! Sometimes they will eat the entire shed so you don't even know it happened. I got lucky and caught one of my cb adults right as she started shedding! Enjoy :)




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That is really cool. Thanks for sharing. Were you able to locate more pygmy's? I bought some for my sister. She has a group of nine so we are hopeful. let me know if you want/need some.:)
I have 5 currently with 4 eggs incubating and hopefully more on the way. Our heater went out earlier so the eggs dropped a little too low, and then when I got an incubator for them came up a little too high...I hope they're okay. I'm so happy to see pygmys more available now! I hope your sister has success with her group. Maybe we can trade offspring. ;)
Those pics are super cool - I've never really felt the love for pygmies, however they seem to be growing on me lately :D
Thats neat! One of my fat (maybe gravid?) temporalis pygmies just shed but hers split right down the bottom of her belly! She had a cape of skin on her back that was gross and yellow from the wild. Hers only took an hour or so too but it got stuck on the very top of her back so I found her with the cape still on this morning.
So I watching the same pygmy shed again yesterday and caught these hilarious photos! To help stretch the skin around their eyes they can bulge them out to ridiculous sizes! It went back in after about a minute and the other one would pop out the same way. So funny to watch!



Wanted to post in case anyone else experienced this and thought there was something wrong. ;)

Also, Ataraxia, I noticed this time that she inflates her body quite a bit to try to stretch the rest of her skin. So that's why she looks so fat! :p
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LOL hilarious photos, Ferret! If any of you know of anyone who sells R. Temporalis pygmies, I am looking to purchase a male! Love the pygmies, I don't think they get enough credit for their goofy personalities
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