Pygmy Warfare!


New Member
I have a group of 4 pygmies that are babies. The thought was that I have 3 females and 1 male. I have 3 that are the same color, and have grown well and are the same size, that all hang out together and sleep together for most of the day. I have one that has stayed smaller and is usually brown(except when he sleeps), and he stays by himself, sleeps by himself, and spends the days hunting towards the bottom. He has been ostrasized by the group. I say "He" even though I am not entirely sure that is what he is. Do I maybe have 2 males? Do they just not like him/her/it?
Well, I am hoping it is the whole pygmy "game thing" and not that he is a sick little guy! No red nose that I can see! :)
i sold some pygmies out and then the same thing, the owner said one of them was kick out from the group....he ended up dead.:mad:
Im not an expert on pygmys but it sounds like it could be a group of 2 males and 2 females and one the males has been excluded? what specie are they? and how old are they? if they are reaching maturity this could be the reason for excluding one of the group members.

Brevs. Oh no Poh-that is what I was thinking might happen. He certainly is not growing like the others.
Obviously I was just trying to make a joke before. Do you think setting him up by himself could help? Maybe other dominant animals are scaring him into not eating?
I think I will take him out and set him up in bachelors quarters. If he thrives I can pick up a few wives for him at the Daytona show.
The poor pygmy, who always seemed to be hunting and never part of the group died this morning in his sleeping position. The other 3 are easily 3 times his size. Not sure what happened exactly. He failed to thrive. :(
UMMMMMM-he is alive! I did not take him out because someone here told me they play dead well. My daughter just looked in and he is looking around. I think I will move him to his own bachelor pad and see if he will start growing!
The poor pygmy, who always seemed to be hunting and never part of the group died this morning in his sleeping position. The other 3 are easily 3 times his size. Not sure what happened exactly. He failed to thrive. :(

That happens sometimes with brevs. I see it most in mine when they are going through a shed for some reason. Sorry to hear you lost the little guy..
Heika-he is still alive! I moved him to his own little set up and he was walking around. He still doesn't look the greatest, but we will see.
Heika-he is still alive! I moved him to his own little set up and he was walking around. He still doesn't look the greatest, but we will see.

Hm.. probably would have helped if I had read the second page of the thread.. :) Glad to hear he is still kicking.
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