Q-Tip eye cleaning?

Hi, Zoe's eye has been closed off and on, and I'm thinking it's shed. But, I was wondering how to clean it with a Q-Tip? And also off topic, how do you shower a chameleon? Do you use hot/cold water do you have a high pressure on the water, and can I use tap water? Would it be safe? And if not, what can I substitute it with? I live in Waukesha Wisconsin, so we have radon in our tap... What should I do?
not an expert but...

I got saline. I use the bottle to spray a stream down my lizards eye before and after the qtip. I use the saline or infection stuff I have to get the qtip wet then I get it warm by holding it near the heat lamp for a minute. Then very very gentile I will twist and move the qtip circular around his eye ball area just cleaning the skin around the eye. I'm curious about bathing too and although tap water should be safe I've been using warm distilled water to spray him until I see the water beading and running down his sides. After that he is active and happy again. But I've only owned a lizard now for 2 days but have read a lot. Hope that explained a little and that some one more experienced could weigh in as well.
when my chameleon had an closed eye infection I took a white wash cloth and put very warm water on it and pressed it on the infected eye doing this about 5 times will losen the crud that's covering the eye. After it is loosen I took 2 q-tips and put warm water on it (note: I had some one hold my chameleon when I did this so I wouldn't poke his eye) take one q-tip and put it on the top lid and the other q-tip on the bottom and slowly rotate the q-tips in a spinning motion away from each other to open up the eye and EVER SO GENTLY separate DONT force it. If it seems like the crust is hard take your wash cloth with warm water and repeat. mine took about 3-4 repeats to help his eye. once you see is eye and most of the crust is off id take luke warm water and drop some drops in that eye. If you see the eye blow up and swish around don't worry he's trying to clean it out if you have ointment make sure to apply it with a clean q-tip ! Best of luck !Also I would recommend you have you chameleon is steam showered done put them under the water just in the steam tap water is safe but distilled is preferred
I would use a eye dropper with saline solution and drip several drops directly on his eye.
They soak up the moisture under the skin of the eye and frush their eyes clean that way.
If you have ever seen your cham's eye swell while watering him, that is what they do.
I personally do not use cotton q-tips because they tend to shed little fibers of cotton, a foam swab would be better.
And I would also warm the saline solution. I just stick the bottle in my pants pocket for 10 minutes or so.
Being warm will cause less stress and discomfort to your cham :)
Can you post a picture of the eye/turret? NVM
What kind of supplements do you use and how often?
What kind of chameleon? NVM
What are your temps?
How often are you giving hydration and for how long?
Ever been tested for parasites?
When was her last shed?


Edit: I just saw your other thread. It is really important to keep your information on one thread.
i use regular without d3 calcium twice a week, calcium with d3 once a month and multivite once a month.
80-85 basking, 65-70 otherwise
i use a dripper in the norning for about and hour, and at night and mid afternoon for an hour also.
were working on getting her checked for parasites
and her last shed was 2 weeks ago.
also, i posted different threads to compare info from different people/places. i dont know how to place a pic that ive already uploaded but i will if someone tells me and yes we gutload her crickets
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