Question about 5.0 Reptisun


New Member
Would running dual Reptisun 5.0 bulbs affect the overall UVB? Would the UVB amount double or just be spread out more? I'm not sure how that would work. Is there a benefit or danger in doing this? (not counting the financial danger of buying expensive bulbs. lol )
OK...I might be wrong...but if you use one 5.0 UVB or Two 5.0 UVBs your UVB output will still be 5.0 UVB. I don't think it will double to a 10.0 UVB by having two 5.0 UVB's. Out of curiosity why do you want to use two 5.0 UVB's ?
I've always considered the # rating(5.0/10.0) to be the percentile of total lumens emitted by a lamp. So, to me, it is curious why the 10.0 are more risky to use. Anyways, IMO it is all about the distance your reptile will be from the light source at it's srtongest area in the cage and weakest. That means he/she needs a gradient of UVB light which will happen when that light filters through your plants, vines, screen etc..

Just like heating a terrarium, I think it is all about finding the best overall gradient for your cham to move around in. On that note, I once used two 5.0, 17W, 18" UVB bulbs on an 17"x30"x48" reptarium. I made sure the individual lamps were placed in a way that the light was combined in areas rather than just spread out(so UVB was not "everywere" my cham went 12hrs a day. Like us, chams need, can, and will(in a good setup) regulate both their "sun" and heat exposure. Consider this question as asking yourself should I buy i 24" fixture or 36" fixture..same UVB power yet the higher lumens in the 36" means UVB is in a greater area of the set-up.
I had one given to me and I don't know how much uvb life it had left in it. The other one I bought new. They just give more light in my cages. If it had not been given to me, I'd just use a 6500 bulb with the 5.0, not that into wasting money on two expensive bulbs if I don't need to.
You can use two lamps if you want, You will just have a very hot spot of UVB close to the lamps but it will disipate similar to one lamp as you disance yourself from the lamp. This is why CFL lamps are bad. The coils create very intense UVB near them, and then they output drops considerably as you distance yourself from the source.

This is a UVB meter at 2" from the old formula of the Zoo Med 10.0s. The meter is peaked, and can't read the level it is so intense.


This is the same lamp at 2.5"..... Normal UVB readings from the sun on a summer day at noon won't be higher than 350.....


Even at 8" it is a very high reading, no wonder these lamps were killing chameleons (my first panther was a victim :()

Hey everyone, Funny I was just going to start a thread on the reptisun 5.0. I went to almost every pet store yesterday looking for them not one of them carried this bulb. I did see the Repti Glo 5.0 tube fluorescent, i did not get this because i see this exact product is the one recommended. If this is truly the bulb i absolutely need I will order it off the net. I am going to call the reptile store i got her from to see if they have it. thanks for input- port
wow get this. they do not sell any tube fluorescent bulbs only cfls :mad:. so now its either order offline or go with reptiglo tube.
wow get this. they do not sell any tube fluorescent bulbs only cfls :mad:. so now its either order offline or go with reptiglo tube.

I am not sure where you are from... but buying online is a lot cheaper than a petstore. You can get a zoo med reptisun from LLL for a good deal, and if on the west cost shipping is pretty fast. If you are on the eastcoast try out

I never buy lamps from petco or petsmart because I don't want to support their bizz and the stuff is WAYYYY over priced.
Would running dual Reptisun 5.0 bulbs affect the overall UVB? Would the UVB amount double or just be spread out more? I'm not sure how that would work. Is there a benefit or danger in doing this? (not counting the financial danger of buying expensive bulbs. lol )

No you would still have 5.0 output but if they are next to each other it would travel a little further than one 5.0. The 5.0 does not mean 5% of the UVB the sun puts out it is the percentage of the bulbs energy that is UVB. The CFLs have the tubes next each other causing the UVB energy to travel further out from the bulb. It is still 5% but you would need to follow the directions the same as you would for the linear tubs on the minimum distance to place from the basking spot because both types can expose too much UVB energy if placed to close.
While it is true that two 5.0 tubes still put out 5% UV, there is twice as much total UV energy being emitted by those tubes.

Measurements I have taken in my setup with a Solarmeter 6.2 UVB show an approximate 50% reduction in UV immediately under the screen. Use of an efficient reflector with the tube can get much of that loss back. I also found the highest UVB reading from a linear tube to be in the center 1/3.

With light energy, if the distance is doubled, the energy level is reduced by a factor of four. Conversely, if the distance is cut in half, the energy increases by a factor of four.
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